Copyright 2013. Slee Canine Training & Security. All rights reserved.

1. The True Essence of Non-Discrimination.

2. Unethical Compulsion and Conscription.

3. Transgender Issue.

4. Constitutionalism, Discernment and the Investigative Vex.

5. Unjust Ward.

4.      Revised 01/07/2015
                                    Constitutionalism, Discernment and the Investigative Vex

Slee Dog Training and Security is not associated with any constitution-based groups, including the tea party, militias or other such entities, nor any investigative entities, neither government or private. I was formerly associated with the FBI, first as an amateur sleuth, then later as a commissioned, acting FBI street agent.

Slee Dog Training & Security endorses the Constitution of the United States of America wholeheartedly, believing it to be the prime protocol for administering a nation. Aside from the Constitution being a necessary guide for the proper function of government, the remainder of it's force lies in each individual, rather than being rooted in an organization. In all actuality and in it's deepest sense, the true force of the Constitution is embedded within the heart, soul and mind of each individual, so it's force is indeed rooted in each individual, interacting with all other individuals. Only liberty minded people can institute freedom and liberty, first as individuals and collectively and even perhaps subconsciously, as groups, regions, societies and finally, as a nation.

Bear in mind that, quoting the explanation of the author of 'Common Sense Revisited', the Constitution of the United States of America “does not give us any rights. It simply guarantees that Americans will maintain the God-given, naturally inherent rights that all humans are born with”.

The foundation and very essence of the Constitution consists of precepts from the Almighty, being separated into two distinct ideals: adherence to particular morals and ethics, and; longsuffering, stemming from the grace bestowed upon the world by Jesus Christ.

While it is true and stated, that the Divine Being described in the Bible, who we recognize as the Almighty and the Creator, wants us to believe in and adhere to His ways in full, He does not force us to, as it were. He grants us freedom of choice, though in retrospect, He ordains men to enforce certain of His precepts upon us, in the form of laws and the government agencies which enforce those laws. Many or most of those precepts regulate human beings' actions toward other human beings and entities, as well as entities' actions towards individual human beings.

Note that long suffering does not mean acceptance of ideals in which we do not believe nor does it interpret as being incapacitated from disagreeing openly [Amendment I to the Constitution of the United States of America]. God disagrees completely with any sinful thing that we may do, yet He, in His Divine Providence, bestows grace upon us by being forgiving and long suffering, rather than tolerant. Tolerant implies looking the other way, whereas part of God's long suffering also involves discipline and chastisement from Him.

The tolerance exhorted by the current administration is far different than long suffering. The current administration demands that we accept as the normal standards, precepts which not only are against the Almighty and Christ, but are ideals and practices which our founding fathers did not accepts as acceptable expressions of liberty and freedom. Long suffering at least implies an expected adherence to established ethical and moral guidelines, whereas tolerance strongly implies indifference and apathy.

God was, during Old Testament times, largely rigid, demanding and intolerant, though manifesting a fair amount of grace at times. Our laws were meant to be obeyed and not abused, nor used as a guise with which to commit unethical acts “behind the scenes”, while outwardly appearing to be in line with honest, established statutes.

Longsuffering means that each individual is entitled to believe and behave according to their own beliefs and standards. Nonetheless, to reiterate, that is to be within the confines of a particular set of tenets. As any rule, law, statute, mandate or regulation can be broken, misinterpreted, abused or misused, the Golden Rule should be foremost in every person's mind, that is, “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you”. A very tolerant person would let someone be run over by a truck, whereas a long suffering person would pull the near victim out of it's way many times, admonishing them to look before crossing the street.

That is a precept which is already originally present within every living being's conscience to begin with, as far as knowing how we should be, illustrated by the fact that when something is done to us that we do not like, it bothers us, so we should know not to do that to others, notwithstanding the sad dilemma of people who are masochists of one type or another, who possess a confused conscience.

Patriotism is defined as 'love for or devotion to one's country'. Nationalism is similar but more deeply rooted, and in certain contexts strongly suggests intolerance, which could suggest or mean intolerance for lack of outward devotion. Germany during World War Two was extremely nationalistic and patriotic, as were the Pharisees of Jesus' time, and both of these groups had two, main, undesirable characteristics in common: lack of tolerance for those outside their immediate circle, and; while fervently devoted to a cause, lack of understanding which resulted in the wrong concepts being obeyed.

When America arrives at the point at which it's patriotism is no longer rooted in the Creator and adorned with the graceful qualities of Christ, then that same patriotism becomes redundant, cumbersome, meaningless and ineffectual. America was originally established in order that Christians might worship in freedom and in truth, no longer being burdened with the heavy yoke of the King of England. He was a tyrant in many respects, including the faith, being directed by the then established church of England, which had no tolerance for any form of worship except that which they themselves prescribed which, in many respects did not remain devoted to scripture in it's true meanings.

Though preferable to God, being a firm believer in Christ is not required in order for basic precepts of Biblical teachings to be practiced, or to be a genuinely patriotic American. Obviously different and not interchangeable, even most major religions of the world have standards which exemplify proper conduct towards others, by each individual, which are similar or, in some instances, duplicates of Biblical precepts, which inspired the Constitution in the first place.

To again reiterate, the Constitution is meant as much for the individual as it is intended as a guide for the nation, and it is the sum of all individuals that establishes the nation. The Constitution then provides the framework for administering the nation, it's main objective being to protect the rights of each individual, which rights were greatly infringed upon by the government and church in England. So saying, that makes the Constitution wholly for each individual. The government is merely the medium by which those individual rights are to be upheld and protected. Yet, those rights were meant to be within the confines of Judao-Christian precepts, rather than whatever each individual desires to do.

If individualism, which includes freedom of thought, choice and action, is lost, then the original foundation is gone and the rest of the building collapses. This is what both Germany, and Israel, experienced while journeying in their quest to form sovereign nations, and this is the direction in which America is traveling as well.

By focusing on the “big picture” only, and neglecting to consider what means were going to be used to obtain the goal, the entire end goal was obscured from their view and placed out of their reach. As every gained objective must be acquired through proper means, if the means utilized are not in line with the end goal, then the end goal will never truly be arrived at. As an illustration, you would not use a metric tool set to restore a 1957 Chevy and expect to accomplish the task, at least not as well as if a standard tool set had been used. You would not use a chainsaw to cut lumber for building a house, nor would you use a table saw to cut down trees.

The Pharisees and seemingly pious Germans alike were so zealous in their intended implementation of supposed freedom, presumptuously assumed to be ushered in solely by their respective nations becoming sovereign, that they developed an attitude and spirit of “the end justifies the means”. Anyone who dared disagree with them or stood in their way was ostracized, persecuted or eliminated altogether. To use an old saying, they “couldn't see the forest for the trees”, even though some 4,000 German, Christian ministers, out of around 19,000, refused to abide by Hitler's program, and in the case of Israel, though even Pontius Pilate found no fault in Jesus Christ.

Some fully commissioned FBI street agents found fault in their superiors' unconstitutional intentions of “stinging” a local militia in Colorado, in 1994. At their bequest, as I was then a commissioned, acting FBI street agent, I got a halt put to the sting by, after exhausting the FBI chain of command, going to that militia and informing them of such. I did that not because I particularly favored the militias, or agree with everything that they do, or else how they do it, but because of the principle of the matter. An end justifies the means mind set is what has prompted every tyrant in history to take over nations by any means available, and it is without any ethics, virtue or morals, resulting in much evil.

The upper superiors were angry with me when I told them what I had done, as they had all agents question their lower echelon people, but they accepted the fact that they had been called on the carpet for wrongdoing, that is, orchestrating the [potentially] proper action by using unjust means.

At my FBI mentor's superior's insistence, I outlined a constitutional means of orchestrating the very same sting, upon the very same group, which was successful a few months later, which placated the superiors, or most of them, and allowed the militias time to revamp and prevent any unjust prosecution. In that case the right spirit of the event was allowed to reign, and the proper foundational framework regulating the United State's government was kept intact.

Had Constitutional basis been ignored and an unjust raid conducted, the result may have been internal dissension in both parties and potentially wide-spread repercussions due to a breach of naturally inherent protocols and firmly established and fitting rules of conduct. When violations of trust, spawned by deliberate trespass against suitably grounded etiquette occurs, the prescribed, harmonious and spiritual connection between the Almighty, His natural laws and mankind, and between humans, is disrupted and the awareness of a need for certain orders becomes dim, resulting in anarchy to one degree or another, more often than not spiritual anarchy, which ultimately results in physical turmoil and anarchy.

Limited anarchy due to natural laws being ignored is what ingrained Americans to attempt to annihilate the Native Americans and enslave the Negroes. It was an end justifies the means mentality, all in the name of westward expansionism, a guise for greed and selfishness, and was spurned by both jealousy and envy, envy being the root cause of murder. America has yet to recover in full.

Attempts at redeeming the United States have been many and varied, but most have been futile, because the idea of focusing on the Almighty and His goals and methods have been largely forgotten, neglected or ignored, replaced by inferior doctrines, by government, patriotic organizations, many Americans and even a large majority of organized churches. God has been reduced to someone, or something, to turn to when all else fails, and we wonder why the state of the union is in disarray.

Again, this turns to each individual, especially concerning the faith of Christ. Forced adherence to a faith has never worked, and never will. At the same time, certain regulations must be enforced, meaning laws which stem from the Judao-Christian precepts, or anarchy will emerge and reign. Anyone with a clear conscience will agree that the moral laws are just. Even the pagan nation of Assyria devised a moral code, under King Hamurrabbi.

Accounts of empires, kingdoms, nations, dominions, principalities, businesses, families and individuals lives being in disorder due to failure to follow acceptable policy or standards are recorded in numerous writings, easily accessible by anyone who desires to expand their horizon, or who simply wants to know. As one man stated, “History forgotten soon repeats itself”.

I believe that the key to restoring America lies in the heart of every individual rather than in institutions promoting constitutional and civil rights. The combined efforts of all such entities will become increasingly ineffective, vain and hopeless unless each individual realizes the value of and practices true ethics and morals towards one another.

This does not imply that people should feign friendship or turn into falsely agreeable androids. It simply means honoring what the Constitution of the United States of America truly means, which can be chiefly summed up in the words of Christ, again: “Do unto others as you would have done unto you”.

People do not like to be manipulated, curtailed or hindered, and when a person is doing no wrong they should be left alone, the act of manipulating never a viable option, under any circumstances. Due to presumptuous, overbearing, selfish and greedy people, America has evolved into a land of bullyings and seducings, disregard for other's goals in life being a given.

Slave owners, Socialists, Communists and other selfish and greedy people do not care about the expectations in life of others and, via a series of demeaning and often spiritually deceptive and psychological conditioning methods and ploys of a manipulative, domineering and commandeering nature, they try to create subjugates who merely do as told, or commanded via innuendos or implied orders such as were Pavlov's dogs, craftily forcing people to leave abstract thought, freedom of expression and activity, and personal industriousness to the wind. People succumbing to that become little more than a highly skilled animal, an automaton with inhibited emotions, thought and action.

When I first reported to the FBI, in 1994, that members of a clandestine organization communicated to one another in public using innuendos, hand signals and body language, and a form of verbal cryptography, they not only scoffed, but attempted to have me put on medication. Yet these same people, FBI agents, have tried, probably with some success, to implicate and even arraign, leaders of organized crime who conveyed to hit men to go make ready to kill a particular person, with but a nod of the head or some other barely noticeable sign.

Agencies like the FBI would like, in order to veil some of their own methods, for people to believe that even though a canine can be trained to execute a task with just a slight, or exaggerated, movement of the body or a part of it, or a part of a word or a certain sound, that a human, though having been through the sequence of actions pertaining to a particular act many times at the prompt of a wink or nod , could not possibly discern a message communicated in any manner except verbal or written.

To use a rather promiscuous event as an example, which is an extreme yet realistic, example of the aforementioned, how many lovers, be it married or otherwise, need more than a subtle, physically undetectable cue, that their partner is ready to receive the benefits of the outward manifestation of a human emotion? Or to know when the other is not of a receptive nature?

FBI agents are trained to “read” body language and mannerisms, in order to discover particular traits , characteristics and other manifestations of inward feelings or physical states, as are professional job interviewers. Body language tells a short story about a person, though that science is definitely not always accurate. There is more than one reason for any particular body movement or mannerism, so it is a false stereotyping of sorts.

But the point is, the FBI and other law enforcement personnel are hypocritical and deceitful at times, and to use a common example as an illustration: they will tell one person that boiling water burned their hand, but tell another that boiling water cannot burn their hand. And when the second person objects to what they perceive and state is an intentional lie, the FBI will label them psychotic, neurotic or mentally imbalanced.

Agencies such as the FBI are taught to view each problem as a whole, in a larger context, as the big picture, and in so doing they discount the value of the individual. Destruction of individualism is one step of the Communists in achieving their goal, and they, like American government agencies, increasingly, assume that everything should be a part of the common good, a means toward some political end.

Assumption is the mother of all disasters and presumption is it's mate. Under either full blown or partly socialistic rule, since adherents to that political belief assume that it is acceptable to conceive that every effort of every person is to be had for the common good and for the state, then therefore, everything is available for the use of others as they see fit, towards the end of achieving an utopian type of order, including the use of other humans, with or without their knowledge and consent, up to and including employing them as scapegoats, patsies or pawns.

Indeed, as a formerly commissioned, acting FBI street agent, I have experienced firsthand and from both sides, just how these and other agencies deceive, manipulate and falsely implicate the innocent. When ordered to do so to a fellow human being, and briefly instructed how to, which would have either triggered or helped create a psychosis on the man, or else made it appear as though he had a psychosis, I refused and promptly told the proposed victim what my orders were, quite blatantly, so that he would have a fair chance for vindication later, as he was being investigated for some crime.

Briefly, a psychosis is seeing or hearing things which are not there, which is a hallucination, which results in a false belief about what is taking place or who one is, which is a delusion. Disorganized thought and speech can also be included in the characterization of a psychosis.

At it's most basic level, a psychosis is something that most of us have created in another person, in the form of a joke, and lasting only temporarily. Telling someone who is terrified of spiders that there is one crawling on them, and playing it out with a bit of acting, is creating or triggering a psychosis. Moving an object and then feigning disbelief when the other person can't find it and swears that it was just there is creating or triggering a psychosis. When someone sees us in a parking lot at a store, from a distance away, and we later tell that person we were not at that store, is creating a psychosis, perhaps more aptly termed a reverse-psychosis.

The FBI, CIA and other entities sometimes go out of their way to conduct such operations, in order to cause their victim to become confused, stressed and disoriented, hoping to motivate their target to do something illegal or haphazardly, providing an opportunity to confront them or catch them in a crime, or to make it appear that they were involved in a crime or some mischief.

However, that method is often misused in a different manner, against innocent people. An example of that is the television show 'Scarecrow and Mrs. King', where a person's life was disrupted so that they could be prodded into becoming investigators. Or 'Enemy of the State', where the victim was used, misused and abused by government agents in the orchestration of some sinister plot.

One commonly known way that FBI agents and even state and local officers create or trigger a psychosis in someone, or more aptly put, make it appear as though a person has a psychosis, is to show up somewhere that person is going, arriving before they get there, doing this at multiple places, and causing other people to avoid them or treat them with disdain, often by telling people something false and distasteful about them or implying such. Or going to their place of employ, showing a badge, mention their name and say or imply that the person is under investigation for one thing or another, and under threat of duress, making the employer keep quiet about the investigator having even been there, yet admonishing the employer to let other employees know.

There are many ways in which their ploys are orchestrated, and there are much more subtle, covert and crafty methods that some of the “investigators” employ. The basic ways of causing mental restlessness, agitation, disruption and other disturbances are meticulously elaborated on by people who desire to intentionally produce and propagate psychological turmoil, often leading to physical ailments, in people.

The CIA nearly created a psychosis in Fidel Castro during the sixties. They had a plan to have a close aid put an itching powder onto Castro's clothes shortly before a speech, in order to make him appear a fool to his subjects. The plot failed and never was carried out, and if it had, Castro would likely have figured out what the source of itching was. However, people would have treated him with scorn, which in itself could cause a psychosis.

The FBI vehemently denies performing such ploys, of course, even when caught red-handed, citing a coincidental set of happenings as causing suspicion of a psychological affront, and often the final synopsis pinpointing the origin of such an event remains obscure, remembered in it's most tangible orchestration only by the perpetrator. Note that the FBI makes extensive use of proxies and informants, which helps to create a back door for what the CIA labels plausible deniability.

Plausible deniability means a way to lie out of a pronouncement of guilt over some activity carried on that deviates from accepted standards, either in it's administration or result. A form of plausible deniability is used often by the FBI in the course of having certain people placed on drugs, in order to alleviate a supposed mental imbalance or disorder. The plausible deniability comes into play concerning the diagnosis of the victim's mental condition, in that, it is always a mental disorder of some kind, according to the feds, rather than some other source, which can cause the same symptoms as a psychological problem.

Take, for example, some of the Navy-Seals-in-training during “Hell Week”, during which time extremely arduous training is forced and very little sleep is allowed. Some have reported seeing strange things out on the water, objects which most definitely are not there. Are those soon to be Seals plagued with a mental imbalance or disorder, or is there some other reason for the hallucinations?

It is commonly known that fatigue due to lack of sleep and pushing the body in physically exerting activity can cause people to see things that are not there, or to misinterpret what they are seeing. I believe, from personal experience and observation, that the aforementioned factor produces the same results as other problems which can cause psychosis, including alcohol and certain illegal drugs, while using and while withdrawing, and some prescription drugs. According to some reports, the military has manufactured methamphetamines for the soldiers to use during periods of intense and prolonged activity in war time, since World War Two. Reportedly, it's use was discontinued in 1983, after American troops mistakenly fired on allied troops in Iraq, while using meth.

There are a number of medical conditions which can cause psychosis, but as those are not relevant to this article they will not be discussed. However, the same symptoms which point to psychosis can also be caused by many other matters. Symptoms of psychosis include uncoordinated thought or speech, false beliefs not based on reality, unfounded fear or suspicion, seeing, hearing or feeling things which are not present, and thoughts that go from one unrelated topic to another. And every one of these symptoms can be produced and/or provoked by other human beings, or due to normal circumstances, again, such as lack of sleep/quality sleep or fatigue. And, again, it can be made to appear as though a person has a psychosis.

Let's say that a person has a drinking problem, resorting to alcohol when certain situations arise such as co-workers being unfriendly, maybe to each other rather than to the person who problem drinks. Or maybe when the workload is abnormally heavy, that person consumes alcohol in order to relax once home, but later feels discouraged or depressed, having at one time been strong into physical fitness, but no longer can due to time constraints. Under favorable conditions for mischief, either scenario could be enacted. The fatigue from overworking, the depression from the person's reflections and the results of hangover could be construed as a psychosis, especially if it is “egged” on.

Maybe this situation actually causes a psychosis, and nobody is intentionally trying to cause one, which is probably normally the case, but the situation is ripe for it, and is very possible. The source of the plan could be a relative who, in the event that the originally proposed recipient of an inheritance gets into trouble, receives the inheritance by default. Devious plans like this occur all the time, perpetrated both by government and civilian people, occasionally co-conducted.

Agencies such as the FBI and CIA study scenarios like just described all of the time, in order to master the art of manipulating people. Though little known, the CIA was caught, during the sixties, causing unwitting people to consume certain hard drugs, so that the agency could observe the reactions of those victims. The insidious scheme was finally uncovered when one of the alleged victims jumped out the upper story of his apartment building, thinking he could fly. These days, the government has delved even deeper into the realm of controlling people's actions through various means, including attempting to manage not only the psychological but also the spiritual realms.

Concerning the spiritual realm, Bible believing Christians are considered to be psychotic, because they believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, angels good and bad, and God who is a spirit, and relish the idea and existence of an afterlife in heaven. Most cultures ever in existence have acknowledged some kind of supernatural power, as does science itself.

Science does not refute the supernatural, which means “above nature”. Science can be used to debunk paranormal claims, but paranormal and supernatural are two different fields, at least in certain contexts. Science considers it and religion to be very different, yet not contradicting each other. In many cases they complement one another.

Personnel working for the FBI scoff and deride the idea of groups of people manipulating other people, groups of people or individuals, yet that concept and practice is as old as civilization itself. On a large scale, once Muslims conquered India, the Muslims manipulated Hindus into accepting and converting to Islam, by instituting a tax on all non-Muslims and reserving most government positions for Muslims. Therefore, many Hindus converted to Islam to escape the tax and enable upward mobility.

Class and caste was rigidly enforced in India, and under some kingdoms, there was no chance for upward mobility, nor was fraternization between the classes allowed. So in cases like that, if a lower-class person sought a better means of income, they were denied the opportunity not merely due to class and caste, but also because certain jobs were meant for certain classes. These protocols were enforced, and they were enforced by the people, more than by the government.

As an extreme example of manipulation and creating what would today be viewed as a major mental disorder, the Hindu practice of sati was strongly encouraged, though not imposed as a necessity. Sati occurred when a woman, whose husband had died and preparations being made to burn the body, would be singing, laughing and dancing around. Once the husband's dead body was placed onto the fire, the loyal wife would throw herself onto the husband's body and burn to death, along with the dead body. A woman who did this was considered noble and blessed, whereas a woman who would not was ever after forced to dress in course clothing and was essentially an outcast for the rest of her life. This is a prime example of people manipulating other people's behavior, possibly without but maybe a few spoken words.

The practice of sati, to the Christian and many other people, would be a delusion, a symptom of a psychosis, and it likely fits under that classification with most people. But it is a created psychosis, instigated by others, to the point that the woman is more than willing to to engage in what amounts to suicide.

A psychosis could result in suicide, no matter how the disturbance was acquired, and just as a person can be driven to drink, a person can also be driven to possessing a psychosis. A battered wife may refuse to tell anybody about her abusive husband, and may even claim to love her husband and eventually begin believing that she deserves to be mistreated and thus is ingrained with a psychosis which, in that case would be a delusion and maybe hallucinatory.

Trying to instill fear in someone over non-existent ghosts, such as at a party in a remote area, is something which many of us have done. Orchestrated to it's height, that prank can cause someone to develop a psychosis. There are people who, having done nothing wrong or amiss, and being told that the police are out to arrest them, are bothered so intensely by that, they develop a psychosis. I suspect that events like that will happen frequently in the future, if the full implementation of patriotic and Christian activities being considered criminal is initiated.

Thoughts which jump between unrelated topics is, to some, a symptom of a psychosis, and to the observer, a person may appear to be engaging in an erratic thought pattern. With some people, however, their mind produces thoughts faster than their physical being can state them, thus it appears that the person has a psychosis. Law enforcement could easily establish a presumed basis for diagnosing a high-strung, nervous person with a psychosis, by multiple officers besieging the unsuspecting victim, or culprit, with a series of questions, asked so rapidly and concerning different topics, in an overbearing manner, that the person becomes hopelessly frustrated and from all observations, seems to be confused and in a very erratic state, mentally. In that situation, it would be rational to assume that the officers are gunning for that person, though that claim could be dismissed as unfounded by the officers, which could lead to depression and a stumbling speech and walk. Thus, a “psychosis”.

Interestingly, in a book which title I've forgotten, there was an FBI agent, a very effective, distinguished and lauded agent, during the sixties or seventies who was constantly darting his eyes around, as though he were expecting at any moment to be confronted by an assailant. It's just the way he was, nothing being wrong with him.

Diagnosing various actions and attitudes as one or another form or type of mental disorder has become big business these days and a prime area of supposed concern for law enforcement. However, the field and it's related, wide array of one or another determinations can be deceptive. What is now considered to be some particular type of mental disorder in American society, is considered normal in others, and once was in America's. Not that there aren't true mental disorders, but the players on that field can be manipulated.

In the process of validating that certain people possess a psychological disfunction, many officers of the law at various levels, as well as other authorities, reveal by their attitudes and illustrate by their actions, that they themselves have a psychosis. Many have an unfounded fear of thinking outside of the box and an erroneously based suspicion of anyone who questions certain policies and procedures of a governmental or even a private, entity. Many police officers turn into bullies and brutes, because they are insecure and are afraid to be a normal, compassionate and understanding being while in the course of their duties, having an unfounded fear that everyone is a potential criminal and could be out to override their authority, perhaps assault them. Thus, a psychosis in it's technical definition.

I believe in the Bible and what it says. Yet, I can and have sat and listened, for several hours, to a self proclaimed atheist's beliefs and viewpoints, speaking but few words the entire time. It didn't hurt me at all. Many officers I know are the complete opposite. They seem to have some delusional reason for keeping most civilians at a distance, as though they would lose their air of “authority” if they actually engage in normal human relations with them. That indicates a psychosis.

Many civilians have that as well, and often times, whether consciously or not, people cause others to develop a psychosis, illustrating a deep-rooted emotional phenomenon of “misery loves company”, or in other words, the manifestation of envy. While we all enact actions that we are not always or immediately aware of, there are those who have turned it into an art form, the practice of mentally afflicting others.

There are many, many different methods which could be employed to, again, create or trigger a psychosis, or make it appear that a person has one. People have been mistreated in that manner and, rather than being sent to an insane asylum, accept a false charge, simply because they knew too much. Sometimes a guilty person will admit to committing more crime than they actually did, in order to escape a diagnosis of mental instability.

Scores of school children are on medication these days, being diagnosed with one mental ailment or another when, in many cases, they just have an undue amount of energy and need to be compelled to engage in physical activity in order to burn excess energy, thus establishing a balance between the physical, intellectual and spiritual. Unfortunately, the authority for parents to discipline and work their kids has been gradually taken away by the government.

So now we have a society filled with kids who are dependent upon a prescription drug with which to achieve a state of tranquility, or well-being. And once those kids step out on their own, if they are considered to no longer have ADDT or some other deficiency, it seems like a strong possibility that they will pursue the consumption of some other drug, in order to feel right. This is a case, I believe, of the government creating a wide-spread psychosis, in both parents and children, by punishing parents who discipline their children and make them work.

When planning such maneuvers, the careful culprits take into account that even when a case is opened to scrutiny and all possible labels for a legal transgression, except that for which it really is, are discarded as not feasible, lack of tangible evidence allows the violator to remain free of charge. An ancient example of this is the most destructive fire of all times in Rome, thought to have been set at Nero's bequest, but being blamed on the Christians, empowering Nero's desire to persecute them.

Weighing all available evidence, it is more than viable to conclude that Nero was most certainly the person ultimately responsible for setting the fire, or having it set. After all, he murdered many, including his own mother, and was known to hate Christians, always seeking an excuse to persecute, especially Jewish believers. Nonetheless, sufficient evidence is not presently known, of sufficient strength to convict the man of arson and murder by arson, in a court of law.

There are many FBI operations, and operations by other entities, which they get away with because, like in Nero's case, they know that suspicion alone is not enough to normally warrant an internal investigation. They have placed multitudes in jails and prisons on circumstantial evidence, but I've never heard of any officer of the law being arrested and tried on circumstantial proof. There is always an excuse, and unjust prosecution is often overlooked due to an end justifies the means mentality.

Even though courts of law have convicted many innocent people under circumstantial evidence, it has also failed or neglected to convict many of the guilty, especially when the culprit has a badge. So for the former reasons, as well as others, militias, and others, hate the FBI and for the latter reason, the FBI greatly disdains the militias, sometimes because the very presence of active militia thwarts the efforts of the FBI to gain undue control over civilian America., the FBI being largely a long arm of the administration with which to implement and enforce it's policies, constitutional or not. Because of this constant yet irregular, sequence of conflict, victory, defeat and occasional stalemate, both sides tend to utilize the methods of the other, and even assume certain attributes of the opponent while investigating same.

Within investigative entities, the aura of secrecy is so pronounced that whenever a covert information leak occurs, the proper people often have no idea that the adversary is gaining vital information and playing the system. The very measures designed to keep investigations stable, actually provide cover for internal, surreptitious operators while at the same time, distancing the very personnel which should be aware of what is going on in an investigation and the details thereof.

The attribute, or lack of, which creates a back door for trojan attacks is discernment. Book learning is wonderful, highly to be praised. But only two things can bestow true discernment: the Almighty and/or experience.

In the area of discernment, as many churches have become more and more secular in their beliefs, doctrine, efforts and dealings, most of them have either lost or forsaken their true discernment, choosing instead to rely upon and worship earthly things rather than the Creator. Loss of discernment has resulted in many truly devout and knowledgeable teachers and preachers leaving the ministry, due to pressure from rebellious congregations who are opposed to the entire truth.

Not only has the church been clinging to human achievement and understanding, secular doctrines and the world system, but they have also largely integrated with the government, at least in many local scenarios. This, in turn, leads to favoritism, which breeds further negligence of true doctrine. One denomination uses law enforcement against another, or else their investigative methods, and the true essence and purpose of the church is undermined and lost. But the government gains more power.

On the other hand, some church congregations have such vast informant networks of their own, they actually possess enough information about local activities that they are able to, and at times do, undermine or thwart law enforcement investigations that should be conducted. The reasons for that are generally to prevent a member from being prosecuted, even justly, or to protect some other interest of the church or church members, often to persecute those who call false teachings on the carpet..

One such interest with some churches, a far-right appearing constitution-based organization, which churches occasionally resort to to supposedly “straighten out” members who, in the church's elite's eyes, are causing problems, is an entity which has CIA ties. This organization is fairly loose-knit and was investigated by the FBI some years ago, but rather than prosecute members for obstructing justice, hindering investigations, fraudulently using identification, entrapping people and other crimes, the feds tried unsuccessfully to implicate the Native Americans one time, the Mafia another, and ultimately employed church members as informants or investigators, amid my strong protests.

That fraudulent constitution group employed a particular tactic which has the capacity to instill a psychosis within people, at least temporarily, which the FBI eventually adapted to it's own agenda. It involved determining where a person, such as someone who was investigating them or speaking against them, would go at certain times of the day or on certain days.

Then, instead of following them around, which could be construed as stalking, in certain situations, they would organize a group of cars being driven by the group's members, going towards their prey on the highway, some of the members making strange gestures or contorting their faces, others just glaring or staring. The goal was to intimidate and demoralize. The Native Americans of the old west would occasionally do that very thing to the American cavalry: two groups of people on horses, passing by one another at arm's length, without brandishing a weapon. According to documentaries, that tactic frightened and demoralized the American troops almost as much as an actual attack.

The FBI began using that tactic sometime during the nineties, to my knowledge, and after nearly every time I ever made a report to them about anyone in the region undermining investigations or such, usually within a day, there they'd be, culprit, informants, FBI agents and all. Dumbest and most insecure thing I ever saw. It would be a dream for anyone wanting to document many people who are linked with the FBI in one way or another. The FBI controls much more than we think and excessively more than they should be allowed to. Even a number of church goers have been involved in that strategy at times.

The FBI didn't used to even consider using a church as an informant base, as far as I know. But over concerns that the CIA was extensively using churches as an informant foundation, which they have, the FBI was requested to investigate. They successfully extracted the CIA from some churches in my region, but rather than relinquish that source of information back to it's rightful Master, they instead decided to take up where the CIA was forced to leave off, at least in some instances.

The FBI is not always directly responsible for interfering in and disrupting the lives of people who are in the circle of involvement in which they are investigating, but they have a particularly bad habit of allowing swindlers and other criminals to soak the innocent, while they simply investigate and let it happen, neglecting to warn the innocent. Once the case is brought to a conclusion, the FBI rides off, leaving a trail of broken lives, and sporting one more notch on their “pistol grip” of cases.

The key to creating or triggering a psychosis is the ability and conditions for forming, generating, or shaping an illusion, and can be grounded in something real or tangible. The key to causing others to believe that a certain person has a psychosis is twofold: the target victim must comprehend something, whether an idea, event or object, and: the other people must be deceived into thinking that the target has a mental instability, or some other type of problem which shouldn't be broached. And while that may be largely so, a kind word never hurt anybody, but the bullies' agenda in cases like this is isolation of the subject, further complicating any issues that may exist.

Herein lies the secret for successfully initiating that type of facade, which is the implied yet mandatory silence. Just as the public has been taught that it is a mistake to ask a combat veteran how many people he has killed, and it is, for fear of triggering an undesirable and potentially lethal circumstance, we have also been conditioned to avoid questioning with someone who really has a known psychiatric or psychological condition.

Because of that, aided by the present day lack of communication, camaraderie, compassion and genuine concern, it is relatively simple for a corrupt officer to create the aura of a person being mentally ill or incompetent. It's a case of everybody knows, wishes they didn't know, refuses to discuss it yet wants a solution, and certain people within the federal bureaus as well as state and county law enforcement departments, to a lesser degree, take gross advantage of that fact. That leaves the victim at the mercy of the authorized ethics offender: unless the intended victim is aware of the dilemma and is equipped with the necessary knowledge with which to combat the issue effectively.

Aside from creating a psychosis in people, there are other devices which are used and scenarios which are concocted. One is purposely endangering people, so that instead of murdering them, corrupt authorities can have the victim, a victim because they know too much or protested against wrongs too strongly, placed in a witness protection program, three of which are managed by the U.S. Marshalls, the FBI and the CIA. Many are in those programs unjustifiably or due to being set up.

Another issue which I believe is largely caused by humans, to an extent, is homosexuality, as well as undue or excessive promiscuity. Many cultures have had and some still honor, the protocol of arranged marriages. When one of the proposed spouses is not willing to marry the other, disgruntled family or friends may see to it that the unwilling partner cannot find a companion of their choice. So many will simply go the route of lasciviousness.

Overall, society, including government and civilian sectors, have cast off being in a state of straight-forwardness, honesty and being up front. Even undercover investigators often resort to devious and underhanded schemes, sometimes prosecuting the innocent, for the sake of closing a case and meeting the prescribed quota, or to further their own career. Technology, on the one hand, has aided authorities in apprehending the right culprit. On the other hand, some elements of technology has made it easier for tyrannical personnel to oppress others.

It is more than possible to become overly sensitive about issues such as this, and so it is imperative to understand that it is impossible, even when we're at our best, to offend no one at all [James 3:2], remembering that Jesus Christ Himself offended a lot of people, simply by speaking the truth. Sometimes it is what it is, but here we are discussing instances and events of intentional derangement.

The bottom line is, when mainline, patriotic themes are adhered to outwardly only, forgoing the heartfelt implementation of ethics, proper methods and a foundational belief in the Almighty, then moral anarchy reigns, the best efforts are in vain, and the physical world soon follows, crumbles and is destroyed.

                                                                    Works Cited

                                                       PENDING-AVAILABLE SOON 

     By Todd Slee, Roann, IN                                 

 1.                                                       Discrimination, Judging and Discernment

For the past seven years, one of the main agendas, or often voiced ones, of the presidential administration, has been a concern for discrimination against specific types of manifestations of certain people's beliefs, by both businesses and individuals. The theme is centered on equality and fairness. But is the issue represented in a clear and concise light, and is it truly and genuinely fair, or is it a hidden bias beneath a guise? Are the new edicts conducive to equality, or are they wrongfully discriminatory against people who are already fair, just and compassionate? Let's attempt to discover the truth by peering below the surface.

According to Webster's, one definition of judge, in verb form, is "to form an estimate" of, which is an opinion as to what each individual thinks and believes about a person, thing or situation, which is, or should be, illustrated through that person's life, activity and business policies. Other definitions of judge are "to determine or pronounce after inquiry and deliberation, to form an opinion", and one meaning of the word is to "think". The terms judgment and to judge have been demonized during the past several decades, certain people using the Bible to condemn all forms of judgment. But what does 'The Book' actually say?

At first glance, even the most widely read and cherished writing seems to contradict itself, but does it? Many passages refer to judging, some warning not to and others apparently condoning the protocol. Is that Book opposing itself, or is there some misunderstanding somewhere, either by the writers or by modern readers, who desire to misconstrue meanings in order to either unjustly discriminate or else condemn an acceptable practice?

While the Old Testament was originally written in ancient Hebrew, the New Testament was compiled initially in Greek, because that was the main language in use at the time by the majority of the population in Palestine and much of the world. Therefore, in order to obtain a pure rendition of scripture, it's words and what it all intends, we need to reference Greek words. Greek is a lot like Spanish, in that one word can have many different denotations, the correct one depending upon context. The same is true with the English language to a far lesser extent, as many more words are applied, instead of relying upon context to decipher what is being said.

The following words for judge, as a verb, and corresponding definitions, are listed in Vine's as being found in the original writings: krino, to choose, determine; anakrino, "to examine, investigate, question"; diakrino, having to do with discerning, ultimately ends in a decision, an opinion. These definitions tie in with gnome, a Greek word for judgment, which is "a way to know and understand". There are, of course, judgments that only an appointed judge can make, and the Almighty, but concerning opinions, each person has the natural right to form, and even state, their point of view, with or without a declaration such as the First Amendment.

Anti-discrimination laws are being thrown at Americans by means of a broad, undesirable essence of the word's implications, which is, again according to Webster's, "to make a difference in treatment or favor on a basis other than individual merit". Even that in itself is not enough by which to deem an action unfavorable, unfair or unacceptable. Basis is, basically, the very beginning of something, it's foundation or basic principle. That is the very root belief which drives anything, and can be either good or bad. By the presidential administration's pronouncement against discrimination, all fundamental beliefs are bad, and under that guideline, nothing in the world could be legally opposed, if the law states as such, taken to it's utmost extreme.

Discrimination is a practice which every person in the world implements every single day, constantly. Discriminate means "to mark or perceive the distinguishing or peculiar features of; distinguish, differentiate; to distinguish by discerning or exposing differences; esp.: to distinguish (one like object [or idea, doctrine, belief]) from another; to use good judgment". These are all desirable qualities and necessary for personal, individual and national well being and survival. When we fail to discriminate, we fail to live and we neglect being productive, also forfeiting our naturally inherent right to choose and believe as we see fit, in the same breath discerning that some things should not be applied as a premise for unfairness.

For example, it is fair for society to make accommodations for the handicapped segment of society, so that they can appreciate and enjoy life to the fullest extent possible, utilizing the skills and talents which they possess. Of course it is. At the same time, is it fair to all, or even wise, to force an employer such as a police department to hire someone who is crippled as a patrolman? Would it be right to make a church hire an atheist as a pastor? How long will it be until a Negro sues the KKK for denying membership [notwithstanding the fact that the KKK shouldn't be allowed to exist in the first place, howbeit, under equality and fairness, what's to prevent racists from claiming that they were born that way?]? Do you see the hypocritical and deceptive paradox? These examples may seem absurd, but by presidential definition of fairness and equality they are legitimate. They are no more ridiculous than a woman being awarded a million dollars because she spilled a hot cup of coffee on herself.

And even though the new statutes prohibiting discrimination are proposed as being geared toward corporations and smaller business entities, supposedly to eliminate unfair treatment due to bigotry and biased selection, they are actually punishing people for holding certain views about right and wrong, and discriminating against people for holding fundamental views of morals and ethics, virtually forcing folks to violate their sacred beliefs.

Without discernment and discrimination as portrayed in this article, an anything goes mentality will develop, which is already rapidly blooming, the differences between right and wrong will blur and eventually disappear, and an entire culture will no longer exist, being swallowed up by an aura of neutrality which, firstly meaning undecided, results in instability, attaining to nothing, resulting in nothing truly productive, ultimately culminating in worship of the state, the government, a goal of the Communists. A popular country music song says, in part, "'ve got to stand for something, or you'll fall for anything...", and the present state of the union's fundamentals is indicative of a rock teetering on the brink of a cliff.


Vine, W.E. Unger, Merrill F. White, William, Jr. Vine's Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words With Topical Index. © 1984, 1996 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.

Webster's Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary. © 1963 by G. & C. Merriam Co.


3.                                                                            Lawless Edict

Another lawless edict from Barack Obama and administration. Schools have been ordered to allow students to use whichever restroom and locker room [thus shower] which most closely associates with what gender they claim to feel like on any given day. If this statute was made law, then how is it lawless, and with whom is it equated?

John Adams stated that, "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other" [The Constitution of the United States]. Part of what this means is that, since the U.S.A. was founded upon Judao-Christian concepts and precepts, the Constitution's liberties and freedoms are intended to be realized and enjoyed within the realm of Biblical values, it's morals.

What are some morals and precepts that this latest proclamation goes against? Deuteronomy 22:5 states that it is an abomination for male and female to wear each other's clothes, and the thought is deeper than just garments. Paul wrote that the effeminate will not inherit the kingdom of God [I Corinthians 6:9]. Effeminate [Greek malakos] primarily means soft, soft to the touch. I believe it extends to the heart, the spirit, and applies also to any who condone males being effeminate.

There are many more laws and regulations than there should be, and I think most people agree. But why are there so many statutes, which some folks take as curtailing freedom? Benjamin Franklin sums it up: "Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters". This tells me that any law which does not supersede an intended ethic, then it is in line with the Constitution.

Lawless, Biblically speaking, is from the Greek anomos, meaning without law regarding the moral law found in the Pentateuch. Research in those books will reveal how extensively the American system of law and order is patterned after it, implementing a never before enacted leniency, compared to punishments found in other countries. Many other countries have a system of laws which is more in line with the 'Code of Hammurabbi', which meted out severe and cruel penalties.

With whom is anomos equated? The answer is found in II Thessalonians 2:8. Different versions of the Bible use varying words, and the King James refers to the man of sin as "the Wicked". The original word is lawless, meaning without moral law, and is against God.

What is very likely the same person is mentioned in Daniel 8:25, stating that by peace he will destroy many. There are two contexts to this. Firstly, the original word for 'peace' is the Hebrew word meaning prosperity. The man of sin, that Wicked, will destroy many by prosperity, which will help initiate a false peace, sort of a proposed and expected man made utopia.

The biggest problem is, the "peace" will be instituted outside of moral law. It will last but for a short time, and then there will be more major problems than the world has ever seen [I Thessalonians 5:3, Habakkuk 2:7, Jeremiah 14:13-15]. The word safety [Greek asphaleia] means certainty, steadfast, firm, not liable to fall. There is a nation, possibly a union of nations, which comes to believe that she cannot fall: modern and spiritual Babylon [Revelation 18:7, Jeremiah 2:31, 5:12, Zephaniah 2:15, Obadiah 1:3].

How has America spawned such an inept series of leaders? Americans have put prosperity, that is, earthly security, ahead of sound principles. And how have Americans, as a nation, installed such evil rulers and empowered them to undermine true Constitutional ethics? By the same means that Israel did so in ancient times: "They have set up kings, but not by me [God]" [Hosea 8:4, I Kings 12:3-11, Psalm 105 and 106].


5.                                                                          Unjust Ward

As one indication of the growing and ever extending reach of the unconstitutional edicts by the current presidential administration, secretly and perhaps unofficially enforced by local, state and federal officers, there is a growing trend to place people, with opinions differing from those of the administration, into a status of partial ward with invisible borders. This has been made so much the more feasible due to the White House "administering steroids" to the federal government.

Just as a war of attrition, when other means failed and normally, was waged upon the Native Americans by the U.S. Government and it's civilian subsidiaries, by destroying the food supply and, at times, intentionally causing fatal disease, rather than face the rightful caretakers of the land in direct assault, patriots, genuine Christians and other dissenters against corrupt and unethical government are being treated in much the same way, labeled, and libeled, as domestic terrorists, law enforcement and Department of Justice personnel being indoctrinated with that slanderous opinion as well. (1)

Instead of arresting active, true, patriotic Americans and jailing them, seeing as how no real crimes have been committed, certain authorities and their informants are inducing civilians of influence, including employers, to aid in keeping those alleged culprits within certain confines. Not being able to do so forcefully, likely due to the large number of practitioners of the second amendment, passive procedures are being utilized. As the buffalo was the Indians' main source of living in the Old West, the dollar is now most citizens' medium of survival, and it is being cut off or severely limited to dissenting individuals and sometimes, entire businesses.(2)

Applications and resumes are being ignored by selected employers who are mesmerized by unscrupulous investigators seeking to transform the work force into one comprised of workers who unquestioningly adapt to Marxist and Socialist thought, even if unawares, law enforcement and the DOJ increasingly becoming an extension and an enforcement mechanism of the presidential administration, most notably the FBI, having long been operated as such.(3)

Loss of opportunity by shanghai is destroying independence and enthusiasm. Unjust depravation of reputation is prohibiting right relations with others. Constant bombardment of abuse of authority is robbing good people of initiative. These things and others our government is orchestrating against Americans who truly believe in the U.S.A. and for which it is truly to stand, and unbridled, it is only a matter of time before the iron fist of tyranny will come smashing down, and full obeisance to the state [government] will be demanded, the equivalent of worshipping it, similar to the ancient Roman Empire.(4)

The late Senator Charles L. Percy once said to Congress, that "...the CIA is creating a nation of snoops..." (5), or in other words, a nation of informers to the government and excessively prying into everybody's matters at that. Although the CIA has in recent years cleaned up it's personnel pool, purging from it those who gained contacts, and both willing and casual informants via deceptive methods, the protocol has been embraced by many in the entire arena of law enforcement and especially the Department of Justice, which has been overreaching it's authority for years, decades even, most especially during the last six to fourteen years. Much of what George W. Bush wrote into law or edict prepared the way for what the current administration is now systematically devising, the final details being arranged right under the noses of the American people.(6)

In many cases informants are gained by extortion, two main forms of modus operandi being employed: having informants intimidate or harass the target, steal from them, threaten them or use some other means to cause the desired inductee to start making reports to one or another official agencies or departments, gradually drawing them in to the covert network deeper and deeper, and; when the human prey is aware of such unlawful or, at the very least, unethical "recruitment" practices, depriving them of employment unless they cooperate.

During part of 1994 and 1995, as a commissioned, acting FBI street agent, yet still primarily substantive, which some agents who know have emphatically denied, while others have affirmed [unless having been a fully commissioned agent, they generally neither deny nor confirm], I observed an ample amount of unethical modes being conducted by agents, more so, actually, than by informants, the regions west of the Mississippi River seeming to have higher respect for civil and constitutional rights than many places in the East. In one factory I was sent to work in, for undercover work, my immediate superior wanted me to engage in psychological ploys against the subject whom I was sent in to observe and investigate. I refused, willing to have no part in any endeavor which could cause, create or perpetuate a psychosis (7) in someone. On two other occasions, the agents higher up than the ones at the resident agency itself attempted to force the street agents to undertake a sting against a local Coloradoan militia, using very unconstitutional methods, and; the higher ups tried to frame a local group of the mob and a group of Native Americans, on two separate occasions, for crimes they didn't commit or even have anything to do with. A few of us were able to thwart those illicit efforts towards obtaining "another mark or two on the pistol grip".

These types of methods are no less than a passive framework for building a model of nonviolent takeover of the masses and launching a Socialist society, the plan being fueled by a deluge of false propaganda and a presentation of whitewashed, Marxist ideology. The concept is relayed to the public in a manner which sounds both appealing and even constitutionally American, like a patriot's dream. However, at it's core lurks an insidious agenda, an agenda which thrives on defrauding it's leaders' subservients of all of their rights, subjugating them and dictating what they will believe, say and do, the foundation for that consisting of various methods with which to change the population's fundamental beliefs. As a clue, many people will discard or compromise on what they claim to faithfully believe, when their stomachs are empty or, in the case in America with probably most, when their luxuries and physically easy way of life is threatened and they find themselves unable to stave off unconstitutionality.

There is no nation being truly Socialist, Marxist or Communist, in which citizens actually prosper and thrive, and according to Socialists, "...the end of Socialism is Communism" (8). The man currently functioning as president of the United States was schooled by, and became an adherent to, the philosophies of Saul Alinsky, an avowed Marxist who was taught by Frank Nitti, an enforcer for Al Capone and strongly influenced by Lenin and was against capitalism. Barack Obama himself once taught the principles of Alinsky, which advocate destroying capitalism, to students in workshops in Chicago. Ever since Obama got elected, he has been working to "...fundamentally transform America". (9).

The workplace is the ideal staging ground for implementing a fundamental change in a nation, indirectly if not directly. Workers can be fundamentally changed in their thought patterns through the regulation of speech, thus thought, which can be either good or bad. Sometimes, an employee's job is threatened due to off the job activity, occasionally by management solely, but more often than not, by fellow workers who can easily cause a person to be unjustly fired for trumped up reasons, simply because of a stand the person takes away from work, somehow being related to other workers feeling uncomfortable around that particular human being. One way that Socialist-leaning investigators can cause that, misusing newly installed edicts by the Bush and Obama administrations, against a Christian, other patriot or dissenter, is by showing up at a person's place of employ, flashing a badge and informing them that the person is suspected of being a domestic terrorist or political dissident, a play on words, in reality. After all, now, even this nation's founding fathers are called domestic terrorists by the administration.

Other times, I believe that people are bought, outright. Some time ago, four or five years, a one-time buddy told me that he'd been told that people were being paid not to work and to just sit around, and that he was going to check into it, being disgruntled at banks and the government, supposedly anyway. It's been around five years now since he's had a job anywhere, other than a few part time, temporary ones, very short term. He seldom goes anywhere and only comes out of the house to mow the yard and do a few home repairs as needed. Given his habit of trying to determine everyone's business, especially of those around him, as well as some other pecularities, I smell CIA or some other clandestine entity. I can see the CIA paying people to do just that. Makes me wonder if that isn't where some of the $19 trillion missing from the Department of the Treasury is going (10).

Due to the tax situation and certain, new regulations, resulting in a disgruntled attitude toward the government due to it's policies, it is perhaps difficult for undercover officers and agents, or officers performing in a straight forward role, to create distrust of certain individuals at work by management, generating friction between the victim and others, which technique is often employed, though using "agents" of disinformation usually succeeds when regular employees are made privy to falsehoods. But a longer term program using a different engine is becoming the norm.

Over the past ten or fifteen years, fewer and fewer companies actually do their own hiring, shifting the workload instead to temporary employment agencies. Seeing as how those firms are often lax in verifying past employment and could be held accountable, technically, for failing to adhere to certain standards, even if unknowingly, especially under R.I.C.O. laws (11), the perfect lever is automatically put into place for personnel within that hiring company to have to succumb to the wishes of a dishonest investigator operating under ulterior motive. Again, the R.I.C.O. law itself is probably not a means of itself to unethical and unconstitutional procedures, but rather some of the upgraded definitions of what certain crime is: dissenting against unconstitutional plans, directives and practices of the government.

That does happen frequently, quite that directly, although an even longer term directive is just as effective for preventing workers from ever getting ahead: due to insurance requirements and their expense, many workers, no matter how well of a job they have done, are terminated from their job a day or two before having been employed for ninety days, so that extra expense of providing required insurance for those employees is avoided. Supposedly that has nothing to do with the government directly, and maybe it doesn't. However, agencies such as the FBI, CIA and DEA full well know what kind of opportunity is hidden within those statutes: a virtual playground for agents who love to take advantage of people in dire straits and desperate for an income.

The political atmosphere has been rapidly changing in America, and politics as usual is beginning to heavily take it's toll on the fundamental beliefs of many Americans, enough so that citizens are supporting a pipe dream in increasing numbers, allowing themselves to be deceived by hyped up instrumentalism of policies which appear, on the surface, to be benevolent, gracious and conducive to prosperity. Once peering beneath the surface, however, we begin to realize that inept and damaging theories are being disseminated and propagated via schemes by those, on the public dole, who are supposed to be honoring, upholding and adhering to the Constitution of the United States of America, the document intended to safeguard the rights that we naturally, and by God, have at birth.

As a final summation, are these types of actions to be blamed solely on the government? Well, as the old saying goes, "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink". Our government can only do what it is allowed to do. As Helen Keller and Edmund Burke once said, respectively: "I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. I will not refuse to do the something I can do" (12); "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. (13)"


3a. Pg 1, para 9
9. Barack Obama's Rules for Revolution-The Alinsky Model, by David Horowitz. © 2009 by David Horowitz Freedom Center. ISBN 1-886442-68-1.
12. Common Sense Revisited. WWW.COMMONSENSE REVISITED.COM. © 2009 by Common Sense Revisited.
13. The Constitution of the United States of America. © 2009 by National Center for Constitutional Studies. ISBN-13: 978-0-88080-144-7

By Todd A. Slee, Roann, IN, December 4th, 2015

2.                                                                              Fire From Folks

In old times, pagan nations sacrificed their children to a god named Molech, by passing them through the fire, literally throwing their babies into a fire [Leviticus 18:21, 20:2-5, I Kings 11:7, II Kings 23:10, Jeremiah 32:35]. You might say that it was an alternative to what God actually commanded, which was to offer animals on the altar, for a burnt offering, back then [remember instead of].

When formerly performing investigative duties with federal investigators, one thing that we discovered was an undue number of church members engaging in informant and undercover work. This was initially in 1993, and that was largely by means of believers consorting with official informants off the books. The two detectives I worked under then would not use Christians as informants, because of the bad shadow it casts upon the church and law enforcement.

There are now many instances of segments of church congregations "consigning" members to being commandeered by law enforcement for that purpose, for one of two reasons: either because church members have deemed them incorrigible, or else in order to, well, basically, to be nosy.

Policies, or at least active protocols, have since changed drastically, largely due to the federalization of police departments, and many true believers are coerced or covertly manipulated [seducing of spirits II Timothy 2:16, 3:1-7,12,13, 4:3,4] to engage in activities that Christians should not be involved in, including undercover undertakings, while others willingly and knowingly do or, again, are more or less forced to, that practice being hosted enormously by the C.I.A., having done so for decades, and now even the F.B.I. is resorting to it, having little or no regard for things sacred.

If it is intended as a remedial undertaking, it is not relying on any aspect of God or Christ's counseling, and is therefore instead of, Christ, which is antichrist.

Any type of undercover activity is based upon deception, and being involved in it requires enduring, if not participating in, an abundance of sinful and criminal activity, which is hard on a human being [Proverbs 13:15]. Sin destroys people utterly, the same thing that fire does [Job 18:5-18]. Fire [Greek pur] in the Bible, besides it's natural element, is described as: fire of divine judgment upon the rejectors of Christ [Matthew 3:11, which is anybody, at that moment when they commit a sin]; human hostility to Jews and Christ's followers [Luke 12:49]; danger of destruction [Jude 23], and; [Greek phlogizo] set on fire, burn up [James 3:6], part of which is the disastrous effects, of not only the tongue but of the body's evil deeds, upon the whole round of the circumstances of life; of satanic agency in using the body for destructive purposes.

When Christians are around things which are not conducive to a Godly life, when they can avoid it, they are contributing to their own destruction, and when others cause them to be subject to evil circumstances, they are making that person to pass through the fire of destruction, which is far different than simply giving up a wilfully sinful person to be buffeted by satan [I Corinthians 5:5]. And when anything of that nature is done because the person in question is following what the Bible says, even when it contrasts with a denominational doctrine, then the purveyors of the intent to destroy are doing the same thing that the wicked people did who caused Christ to be crucified [Matthew 27:18, Mark 15:10].

There is one doctrine of faith that we who have faith in Jesus Christ are to follow, which is the dogma of the original apostles, noting that "we" in Galatians 1:6-9 means, not a modern day theologian or some preacher who sidesteps the truth, but rather we refers to, and only to, the writers of the New Testament, those who were with Christ personally or else had direct communication with Him supernaturally, or otherwise who were witness to the resurrection of Jesus Christ or were in company with those who fit into one of the categories just mentioned.



