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Stunts the F.B.I. Pulls
Just to make a long story short, because time is of the essence, as we in America are in a fight for our Constituional Rights, our Lives and our very Souls. Following is a summary of underhanded and yellow-bellied stunts that many of the milksops called F.B.I. agents pull, most especially to those who refuse to assent to their tyrannical by-laws, unconstitutional procedures, devious tactics and Socialist policies.
I know these things, because I was commissioned as an acting F.B.I. street agent during part of 1994 and part of 1995, also having been a federal peace officer for a short time in between. I angered my immediate superior's superiors, so they withdrew the agent status, at which time he made me a peace officer. Not long after they reinstated my acting agent status, so the peace officer station was then withdrew. I turned down an offer of employment in 1995, having already seen too much corruption, returning to Indiana in March of '95.





1. Wage psychological warfare upon surveillance and investigation subjects, which can create a psychosis. This is also done to people who are patriots and/or Christians who voice dissent against unconstitutional policies too loudly.
2. Show up in places where the subject frequents, letting the person be aware of their presence, simply to harass and/or intimidate.
3. Call family or friends and state or intimate that they have a psychological or other problem which does not exist within that person. This is often done as a result of someone detecting an F.B.I. agent's psychological warfare tactics.
4. Attempt to create problems between a subject and his or her's place of employment, church, synagogue, family, friends, other associates, electric company, water company, local or state law enforcement, etc.
5. Hack computers under a guise and/or to rearrange settings with the intent of causing worry, anxiety or nuisance.
6. Tell an employer that a subject is working for them when they are not.
7. Call people who are the subject of a report and notify them that they have been reported and by whom.
8. Lie about former employees or other associates who blow the whistle on corruption, about their work record, often denying that there was any association at all.
9. Change the dates and times on reports.
10. Compromise an undercover status.
11. Attempt to prevent whistle blowers from obtaining gainful employ.
12. Use surreptitious methods in order to gain informants, including having the desired person harassed or intimidated by civilians and/or law enforcement personnel.
13. Keep informants in civilian work as long as they inform for them, misusing authority to prevent them obtaining gainful employment if they stop informing for them or report corruption by F.B.I. personnel.
14. Frame innocent people for crimes when they are unable to nab the guilty parties, in order to justify expense incurred for an investigation.
15. Intentionally attempt to disrupt marriages and other relationships.
16. Operate through state and local police, private investigators, employment agencies, electric companies & other public utilities, businesses, and sometimes the military.
17. Use a play on words when discussing certain people in order to falsely cast a bad shadow upon them.
18. Sabotage vehicles so the motor quits running, sometimes some other, more life threatening mechanical failure.
19. Purposely endanger dissenters with the intent of coercing them into a government protection program.
20. Send a member of the opposite sex (sometimes otherwise, depending) to be around a subject, seeming to seduce them, only to break off, hoping to cause frustration resulting in drinking or using drugs, or whatever problem it may cause.
21. Extensive use of proxies and often disguise methods.
22. Actively recruiting teenagers as young as sixteen years of age, prepping them for future F.B.I. functions.
23. Actively attempting to cause a subject's doctor to believe that the person is mentally or emotionally unstable.
24. Allow a subject to become settled in a job, church or other activity, and then cause them loss of such, continuing that over time in series.
25. When talking to someone from whom they hope to gain information, they act like they know more about what is being discussed than they really do, such as a person or place mentioned, as a method by which to find out things they don't know.
26. Concerning people, informants and subjects alike, they play both ends against the middle and otherwise, manipulating people, events and situations.
27. Attempt to exert near total control over people who make reports to them, citing some by-law.
28. Sometimes make an informant or agent up to resemble a friend, relative or other known person of a subject, sometimes one who is dead, having the agent come into view of the subject just long enough to cause confusion or anxiety.
29. Make extensive use of the good guy/bad guy routine and the act of pandering or being patronizing.
30. Tap phones and cause unusual sounds, either to be a known irritant or to make the subject think that the phone has a problem.
31. Have select people repeat words or phrases contained within a report the subject had made. That is used for one of two things: either to let the person know of the F.B.I.'s presence in order to investigate, or to harass.
32. I believe that they engage in certain activities designed to cause undue stress and duress in a subject's life, in order to eventually cause physical sickness, including heart attacks. They likely also use mechanical devices with which to cause that as well, such as the type of device which was used during the Gulf War which sends radio waves towards people, causing extreme discomfort. SWAT teams also have those devices, which are similar to the devices used to repel dogs, just on a different frequency. I have seen devices available through mail order magazines, about the size of a half dollar, operated by a nine volt battery, which are constructed so as to cause physical disorientation or sickness or nausea, by emitting some type of radio wave. No doubt the federal and state government has much more sophisticated gadgets.
33. No doubt the F.B.I. makes use of electrical outlets which are eavesdropping devices, fully functional as electrical outlets, as well as many other gizmos. Computers are likely being utilized the most as listening and spy devices, as well as cell phones. Some of the most valuable information is normal, everyday knowledge of daily activity.
34. Extensive use of innuendos, implications and other mind tricks when talking to or about subjects.
35. Federalizing cops more and more, turning police forces into bureaus of intimidation and psychological warfare more than police departments.
36. Extensively study human behavior to learn causes and effects, thus developing systems by which to manipulate and ensnare the unsuspecting. For example, I've seen them mercilessly, though cowardly, harass and intimidate people, then later send an undercover agent or informant to the subject, posing as a mobster, say, offering them aid, attempting to create a circumstance in which they can seemingly justifiably arrest them or investigate them.
37. Sometimes they will covertly enter a dwelling and move things around, in order to bewilder, among other reasons, such as to plant bugs and mikes. I also highly suspect that they possess or obtain cancer or other illness causing chemicals with which to secretly eliminate people.
38. Disseminate disinformation about subjects in order to disrupt their lives and manipulate or cause other hardships.
39. Take advantage of laws in order to use excuses to investigate certain people, same thing crooked cops do. For example, if you buy two, I believe it is, bottles of 'Fire' drain declogger, the store is required to report it to police.
40. Have combat veterans or others who have been involved in traumatic situations harassed and intimidated, behind a guise of testing them for stability.
41. Sometimes a cop or agent will have their informants harass, intimidate or otherwise mistreat someone, in order to cause that person to expose corrupt activity within one or another government entities, in order to be able to initiate an internal investigation, not wanting to blow the whistle themselves.
42. Anytime an agent or informant seems to be your friend, always remember that they are, in all liklihood, definitely not. It is just part of their job training. They will throw anyone to the wolves in a heartbeat, most of the time, explaining that they're just doing their duty. Again, always remember that the KGB and the Gestapo could rightly claim the very same thing.
43. The F.B.I. uses "truth serum" on people, as do reportedly the state cops, a practice which has been outlawed since right after WWII. One problem is, people can still lie under it's influence, according to people I've talked to, and administered wrongly it can kill, being either the same as or close to what veterinarians use to put animals to sleep.
44. The F.B.I., as well as other agencies, has informants or other associates to swap places with someone who resembles, or is made up to resemble, that person. That can fool people who do not know the subject very well.
45. The F.B.I. sometimes operates via other organizations, such as through informant or underground networks.
46. The F.B.I. will "steal" informants from other agencies and sometimes undermine an operation or investigation in order to take it over. I know this to be so because I showed them some methods by which to do it, in 1994.
47. They make extensive use of proxies, who often or usually, likely most of the time, use the actual agent's name. The proxies may be agents, C.I.A. operatives, U.S. Marshall's, private investigators, informants or other federal, state or local agents or officers. I highly suspect, having seen strong indications and bits of evidence, that when any of the proxies, or the agent in charge [of any given operation] violate constitutional or civil rights or otherwise transgress against a subject, often not a guilty person, and are called on the carpet for it due to a complaint, that, say, agent A committed the act, using the name Jimmy John, and is technically Jimmy John, though his real name is not Jimmy John, the office produces the real agent, whose name is Jimmy John, or yet a different proxy, who goes by the name Jimmy John, because he also works for and represents Jimmy John, who can honestly claim that he did not do anything wrong to the subject. The F.B.I. does a LOT of wangling like this in order to either nail someone they want, or to escape reprimand or charges. They lie without outright lying.
48. One way F.B.I. personnel bring reproach upon a subject, among their peers, fellow workers, and other associates is by slyly implying that something about their subject is amiss. An age old trick, pulled by agents and cops alike, is to go to a person's place of employ, flash a badge and mention a certain person, often resulting in a firing or a systematic series of acts of ostracizing and eventual discharge or quitting. But there are other ways as well.
They may mention a person, noting that they are doing a routine check. When the employer or other associate asks what is the matter, one of two things will occur. Either the implications will be good, or bad, either having ulterior motive, when the case is such that the subject is not really suspected of being involved in any crime or other wrongdoing.
The agent may seem cordial or even pleased, and say something like, "we like his performance and just want to make sure he's doing okay", the implication being that the subject is associated with the F.B.I.. This will automatically raise questions in the employer's or other associate's mind, creating an aura of misunderstanding or suspicion.
On an intended bad note, the agent may say something like, "we don't like some of what we've seen him doing", the message of course being that the person is involved in some violation of law, the agent assuming a serious or even indignant demeanor.
Either of these ploys will cause problems for the unwitting individual. Myself, I've been cost employment intentionally be an old F.B.I. mentor in order to put me into a position to where I had no choice but to go back into investigating, but I didn't.
These are just a few of their tricks. Researching these issues using keywords such as 'psychological warfare' and 'tricks the F.B.I. uses' will produce a lot more intel on this subject.
49. Agents and/or informants will put subordinates onto investigating things, and either by original intent or to remain undetected or implication/arraignment free, let that person, or persons, take the fall for prosecution, indictment or scrutiny.
These are just a few of their tricks. Researching these issues using keywords such as 'psychological warfare' and 'tricks the fbi uses' will produce a lot more intel on this subject. One of my plans is to enlist the aid of professional mental health care people who, once learning of these types of things, officially known as ‘black ops’, ought to be quite concerned, as these techniques, especially when abused, as they have been, greatly contribute to the creation of criminals.
These are the types of tactics which are being used to break down, subjugate and brain wash America into accepting Socialism and other unconstitutional and antichristian doctrines, agendas and programs as acceptable. Note that adherents to Islam are allowed to use virtually ANY method by which to promote their insidious agenda.
The F.B.I. has little “by-laws” they try to force upon people, edicts which are just clever ways of manipulating someone in order to control them, just like a predator pervert would hold someone hostage and control them.
I know a person named Jean, who Hoener asked me specifically about in ‘94. I simply said I thought she’d been involved with the C.I.A. for a number of years. The F.B.I. was checking her out for something way back then. I see her now sometimes in out of the way places, whereas she needs to behave. It’s ironic, that I complained some years ago to Hoener that I thought the FBI was using church members for informants, and as a recruiting platform, to the extent of disrupting the church’s mission, and he saw nothing wrong with it, plus, Jean started playing head games on me at church. So I finally quit going.

                                                 TRAINING AGENT?

For some years now, F.B.I. people, and possibly Indiana State Police folks, have disseminated a falsehood that I have been active with them as a type of training agent, which is not true at all, other times asserting that I have committed crime, also untrue. I have been commissioned twice, to my knowledge, after returning to Indiana from Colorado in 1995, for very short times, by the Fort Wayne agency of the F.B.I.
Once, in or around 2006 or 2007, an agent from Fort Wayne stopped at my residence at 210 N. Church St., Roann, IN, informing me that I was being commissioned for a short time, for the purpose of determining certain people’s reactions and subsequent reactions. The feds were to let out that I was a commissioned agent, which they did, with my permission, and all I had to do was to observe and report anything abnormal. The other time time they called me and stated as such, which was but for an hour or so. Both times they called afterward to let me know I’d been decommissioned. Those instances were fine, but I think that one or another of the F.B.I. people have told people that I was commissioned when they never told me, which if true, gives them latitude by which to manipulate me.
One way they have harassed me by falsely telling people that I was/am a training agent, is they tell informers, cops, others, that I play the part of a culprit, and by them spying on me and harassing me, they can observe what a culprit does, how they react, methods they use to evade, etc. They may also tell trainees to spy on me as though I were an investigator, cop or agent, in preparation for them observing an actual cop, agent or other investigator. It’s hard to say what trainees are told. People and supervisors at places of employ have been told that I was there as an informer or investigator, and after a specified amount of time, it was okay for them to just let me go. Sometimes they’d tell my peers I was a criminal. What always happened while employed, was that I’d be coerced to make reports on certain activity. I’ve been let go for making reports on other employees, and I’ve been fired for NOT making reports on fellow workers. It is amazing how the feds and cops can manipulate even the criminal element. That is an instance of once I’m installed in a place to work, the authorities might spread that I’m an informer or undercover investigator, simply to gauge the actions and watch the activities of culprits. many possibilities there.
I’ve only knowingly been assigned to a couple of places to work undercover, which were two safe houses out west, to check things out for the F.B.I. Incidentally, in 1994, one was a safe house for the U.S. Marshals, and when they found out that I was with the F.B.I. and in their safe house, they weren’t very pleased. The Marshals somehow found out and verified it, which became a later black mark on the F.B.I., for lying later and saying they’d never heard of me.
As I’ve posted elsewhere, I was also a federal peace officer for a short time. After being commissioned as an acting street agent for the F.B.I., I made one of Hoener’s superior’s mad and they voided the status, so Hoener, or Blackjack, made me a peace officer. Later, I was made a street agent again. According to Hoener, after that they discontinued the status of federal peace officer there, so I was the last one. I don’t know for sure on that. I also did a couple of things while in Colorado for the U.S. Marshals and the C.I.A.


'Jonah, the Federal Sleuth:

Discovering the Dark Side of the Bright Side (Jeremiah 5:4-6, Psalm 56, Ezekiel 13:20-23)