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Moo om                                      FORNICATION

Why Flee Fornication? Did not God say to mankind to multiply and replenish the earth? Are not sexual relations a way of expressing love to others? Since sex is a very natural inclination, is it our fault if we indulge in it outside of marriage?

Contrary to popular belief and practice, engaging in sex is not the "mark of manhood", or "womanhood". If getting to "know" the opposite sex at random, that is, outside of marriage, made a person mature, then the canine male would be the most mature being there is. Sex outside of marriage leads to frustration, envy and despondency, to name a few.

To discover what true Christian love is, refer to I Corinthians chapter 13. To help understand why we need to flee fornication, read this article and study the Word of God for yourself, using not only these references, but many others as well.

     [Frankly, it's a hellish turmoil when your soul knows not to commit it, and the rest of you wants to anyway > Romans 7:14-25]

                           Why Flee Fornication?

The Apostle named Paul warns us, through his writings and by the power of God, to flee fornication [I Corinthians 6:18]. But why, other than the Lord commands us, through the moral law, and through Christ, to not engage in any type of fornication [Exodus 20:14, Acts 15:20,29, 21:25, Romans 1:28,29, Nahum 3:4-7, I Corinthians 6:13,18, Galatians 5:16-26, Ephesians 5:3, Colossians 3:5-25, I Thessalonians 4:1-5, Jude 7, Revelation 2:14-16]. Fornication is the only sin which is sinning against our own bodies, which means that it is a form of self hatred, or part of masochism, which is taking pleasure in being abused or dominated [Romans 6:11-23, I Corinthians 7:23]. Being a sadist is delighting in cruelty. Therefore, we could rightly say that committing fornication is a combination of sadism and masochism, perhaps only spiritually so, but that is bad enough. There are also other reasons, but first, let's dispel a common misconception, which contributes to the condoning by many, of fornication.

A lot of people believe that sex was the forbidden fruit, commanded by the Lord not to partake of, in the Garden of Eden. It was not sex, for a number of reasons. To begin with, Eve took of the forbidden fruit first, and then gave of the fruit to Adam, and then he ate of it also. It could seem reasonable to think that, since the thought of sin and entertaining that thought is sin, just as well as the actual act [Mark 7:14-23, Leviticus 5:2,3 Matthew 15:10-20], that the original sin was lust of sexual things being entertained, or somewhere between the thought and the actual act. But it had virtually nothing to do with sexual lust [Genesis 2:15-17, 3:1-6,12,13], and we're about to find out why.

Note that since so many people think that sexual lust was the original sin, and since man is born of a sinful nature, that is combined and misconstrued to think that it's okay to go ahead and engage in it. After all, did not God say to man to propagate, to replenish the earth [Genesis 1:28, 9:1]? He did, but there are some things to consider here. After the flood, the Lord told Noah and his family to have children, in order to replenish the earth and subdue it. God made the earth and all that is in it for His pleasure. He made the earth and all that is in it for man to use and enjoy [Genesis 9:2,3], and so he could worship God. But Noah and his woman were man and wife, such as Adam and Eve were man and wife. A marital relationship is ordained by God [Matthew 19:4-6]. If a situation comes into existence, the man and his girlfriend are to be married before a sin occurs [I Corinthians 7:9,36].

There seems to be two accounts of God creating man. In the first account [Genesis 1:26-28], on the sixth day [Genesis 1:31], He created male and female at the same time, and they were likely the cave man type of people. I have to conclude this since there are skeletons of man-like beings in museums, as well as weird animals such as the dinosaurs, that is, their bones, also in museums. They had the physical body and a spirit, a life-giving force [Ecclesiastes 3:19-21], that's it, just like the animals have, if this is the case, but in a slightly different way, because animals were not created in the image of God. In the second account, God created Adam alone, but in this case, He breathed into him the breath of life, giving man a soul, something in addition to what animals, and the cave men, have and had, respectively [Genesis 2:7, Job 12:10, Hebrews 4:12]. Then, God made Eve, from a rib that He took from Adam (which explains the floating rib we have) [Genesis 2:21-23], giving her a soul also, as well as the spirit and body. There are so called scholars of the Bible who refute that man is a triune being, but there are many verses in the Bible which show that we are. The Holy Ghost also shows us personally that we are. If the gainsayers want to reduce themselves to the level of an intelligent ape, they can have at it, but myself, I'm a triune being, and I have never met or seen a human who isn't.

In the first account of creation, God simply made mankind and told them (perhaps by instilling the desire and capacity in them) to multiply, eating only herbs and other plants for nourishment, nothing special [Genesis 1:26-30]. But the second account was different. The cave men had no way to transgress God's commandment, because: there was none given, and; there was no forbidden fruit because there was no garden of Eden. But once God created Adam, He planted the Garden of Eden. Not only that, but God commanded Adam to not eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. So we see that Adam could have sinned before the female was even in existence [Genesis 2:7-9,15-17]. It was impossible for Adam to have had even the thought of sexual lust or any desire at all for the opposite sex, because there were no females. If scientists are correct about the cave man, they all died out before Adam was even created, as did the dinosaurs.

I will mention also, that the theory of evolution has absolutely no scientific basis whatsoever. And to correct an erroneous thought, the verse in I Timothy 6:20, "...avoiding...oppositions of science so falsely called" does not condemn science. Oppositions [Greek antithesis] means a contrary position, from anti, meaning against and tithemi, meaning to place. This means to avoid oppositions, or things contrary to, solid foundations of science. Daniel and his fellows refused to refrain from worshipping the Lord, and did refuse to worship the pagan gods of Babylonia, but they studied and were well versed in science [Daniel 1:4]. The vain babblings are surmisings which are just foolish and without merit, basis or significance. Profane [Greek bebelos] is, according to Vine's, "that which lacks all relationship or affinity to God".

True science does not refute the existence of God. According to 'Conceptual Physical Science, Fifth Edition, by Hewitt, Suchocki and Hewitt, science "...can be used to debunk various paranormal claims...", but "...they have no way of accounting for testimonies involving the supernatural. The term supernatural literally means above nature. Science works within nature, not above it." Further, "science and religion are as different as apples and oranges and do not contradict each other". The verse in Timothy here could be taken to mean, among other things, to trust in astronomy, and other standards of why things work like they do [Job 9:5-10, 38:4-13,16,19,20,22-41], but put no stock in astrology [Deuteronomy 18:9-14]. Everything God made He put a certain order upon, including man, and can be explained, except for miracles and certain other works of God.

Astology is of the occult, whereas astronomy is okay to use, being one way in which to find direction, especially when at sea. Astronomy is used to help determine when some of the pyramids were built. Science and archeology is, more and more, validating the Bible. You could say that mathematics is a form of science. The believers who shun science and call it evil are ignorant of God's ways and foolish. When they get sick, what is the first thing most do? They call upon a doctor or pharmacist, whose skills are derived from science. Period.

Back to the Garden of Eden now, something else was also different. When God created Adam, and then Eve, he gave both male and female the freedom to choose, a free will, and a commandment as well as liberty, the capacity to do either good or to do evil. Had they not sinned, they would not have died. The death sentence was not pronounced upon them until after they sinned, nor the need to toil and labor. They were sinless and innocent, totally guiltless [Genesis 2:25, 3:7-19]. I believe that it is safe to assume that Adam and Eve, had they not sinned, could have had children, since sex between a man and wife is ordained by God. Was it possible for Adam and Eve to have never sinned? Suffice it to say that God knew beforehand that they would, and that since they did, everyone born to them and after them is born with a sinful nature [Romans 3:23, 5:12, Jeremiah 17:1, Job 5:7, Leviticus 5:17, Deuteronomy 1:39]. But the point to be made for this article is that sexual lust was not the original sin, other than the fact that the original sin is the main building block for all sin.

To cap it off, do you think that God would, in the beginning, make sex a sin, and then later, tell man to go ahead and sin? God presented Eve to Adam after he created her, as a wife, so if they were then capable and wanted to have sex, it would have not been a sin, so it is impossible that sex was the forbidden fruit. That would be like God telling man not to steal, and once man has stolen, telling man to go ahead and steal.

Jesus said that all of the moral law and the prophets hang on two great commandments: thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and; thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself [Matthew 22:35-40, Deuteronomy 6:5]. This means that those two commandments are the building blocks for all of the other of the several hundred moral commandments. You could say that those two great commandments hang from, or spring from, the original commandment, which was "thou shalt not".

The moral commandments fall into two main categories: sins of commission and sins of omission or, in other words, things we do that we shouldn't do and things we neglect to do that we should do. There are logical reasons for some of the commandments, and all of them have deeper roots than because God commanded them, which should be enough reason. However, we like to know why something is so. Some reasons are simple to us, yet deeper than we can explain or really understand fully, such as if certain sins are done, it brings God's wrath or judgment. Other things are able to understand and even explain. Some things we cannot explain, such as why God loves us and why he is so patient.

God commanded to refrain from eating, or partaking of, the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, because if so done, death would be the result, not instant death, but rather the beginning of the process of death [Genesis 2:17]. Adam and Eve both were aware of this, and it is likely that God directly told Eve, as well as Adam [Genesis 3:2,3, Galatians 3:28, Leviticus 19:15, Deuteronomy 1:17, Romans 2:11, Ephesians 6:9]. Even in the Old Testament, there was no respect of persons with God, as He looks on the heart, not on the outward appearance, and there were female prophets during those times, as well as now [I Samuel 16:7, II Corinthians 10:7, Exodus 15:20, Judges 4:4, II Kings 22:14, Nehemiah 6:14, Luke 2:36, Acts 21:9, Joel 2:28,29], whom God spoke to, so it has always been that the Spirit of the Lord was upon women as well as men. It is not God's will that anyone should perish, Him giving people all possible chances to repent [II Peter 3:9, Luke 13:3, John 3:16].

Looking more deeply into the first transgression of the law [I John 3:4], the first sin, we find that it started from a half-truth, which is a lie [Genesis 3:4, I John 2:21]. The devil convinced Eve that she could be as God, or a god, watering down the true intention with his wording, which was to be as gods [Genesis 3:5]. He was strongly implying that she could be all knowing by partaking of the fruit, which was another half truth and the same sin that he committed, having been an angel of God in heaven during the beginning, either before creation or right in that time frame [Ezekiel 28:12-18]. Ezekiel 28 is, I believe, describing satan, who possessed a king of Tyrus during Old Testament times.

Satan was originally named Lucifer, and committed a sin which caused God to cast him and of the angels, which also sinned, out of heaven [Isaiah 14:12, Luke 10:18, Revelation 20:2, Jude 6]. The sin that Lucifer committed was, in my wording, the sum of all sins combined, spawning all sins which ever have been and which will ever be, and which sin he persuaded Adam and Eve to partake of. Lucifer wasn't content to be the most beautiful and perfect angel, he wanted to be the same as God, insomuch that he tried to usurp God's authority and take over His throne [Ezekiel 28:12, Isaiah 14:13,14], having the ultimate pride and conceit. The serpent, satan, persuaded Adam and Eve to do the same thing, in essence, in heart, to be their own masters, not allowing God to rule over them [Jeremiah 2:31], to be in charge of their own destiny, completely.

That forbidden fruit was pleasant to the sight and to the senses, and to a proud mind [Genesis 3:6], being a lust of the eyes and of the flesh, which is part of the essence, or root, of all sins, as well as sinful pride, and a product of not being content with what they had, which was already all they needed [Psalm 78:17-19, I Corinthians 10:6, Galatians 5:16, Micah 7:7, I John 2:16, Ephesians 2:2, Hosea 12:8, Isaiah 5:20, Philippians 4:11, I Timothy 6:6-8, Exodus 16:8]. This is not to say that we shouldn't seek to improve our situation, but we need to do it God's way [Matthew 6:31-33]. Note that since God created us with the freedom to choose, many of the sins that we can commit are a result of our own human nature, but satan often plays on that [Matthew 4:1-11, Luke 4:13, James 1:13-16].

The other half-truth that satan perpetuated is that Adam and Eve could be endued with as much wisdom as God. Satan has, and can grant, more wisdom and cunning than what man can by himself attain to, but it is from the dark side of the spiritual realm, and rooted in selfishness, self fulfilment, which is a form of idolatry, worshipping of earthly things, self and satan himself [Ezekiel 28:2-10, Isaiah 14:16,17, Ezekiel 21:21-25]. It is a spirit of divination, and many a wicked ruler has had that evil spirit [Deuteronomy 18:9-14], as well as "lesser" people, which is an abomination to the Lord. In short, it is total rebellion against God [I Samuel 15:3-23]. To clarify a bit more, as an example, obtaining 15 master's degrees does not incur the spirit of divination, though it could be a part of it's aid, if one's resources are used to go against God. The lowest peon in society can get the spirit of divination, by worshipping the devil.

How does all of this tie in with fornication? For starters, let's see what the exact definition of fornication is. Fornication [the Greek porneia] in the New Testament is defined as illicit sexual intercourse, including adultery. Metaphorically it symbolizes "the association of pagan idolatry with doctrines of, and adherence to, the Christian faith". The word illicit means not permitted. This means that unmarried sex, sex between the same genders, rape, incest and sex between humans and animals is not permitted by the Lord. In the Old Testament this was primarily the actual act, but Jesus goes deeper with it's definition, revealing to us that sinful thoughts, when entertained at all, are also sin, the root of the act [Exodus 20:14, 22:16, Leviticus 15:18, 18:6-24, 20:10-21, 5:11-31, Deuteronomy 22:13-30, 28:30, Matthew 15:18,19, 5:27,28], any sin. If we knowingly sin, we are making ourselves a god unto ourselves, usurping God's authority, as it were, hence, what Lucifer did.

I write this, for lack of a better term, with a grain of salt, knowing, that sexual lust is one of the most natural sins and one of those to which we can most easily fall prey, also being one of the most damaging [Galatians 6:1]. In a discussion with Pastor Perry Stone, on the 'Sid Roth: It's Supernatural' show, Perry states that his late father, a preacher with all nine of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, shortly before his death, admonished Perry to encourage believers to pray excessively in the Spirit, because sexual lust attacks will, and are, during these last days, occur in a more frequent and excessive manner. Nothing destroys a ministry, or one's personal salvation, in a more devastating way, than does fornication. This is rather ironic, incidentally, because not only is sex one of the most natural sins, it is also one of the most overlooked sins by both the church and the world. Many believers tend to overlook or excuse sex between a man and a woman, figuring that it's better than people being homosexual. In reality, though homosexuality is mentioned as being an abomination to God [Leviticus 18:22], whereas heterosexual relations were not, any type of fornication is evil, and damaging [James 2:10,11, Leviticus 5:17, Romans 3:23 > 5:12].

In a sermon by the late David Wilkerson, he stated that fornication is of envy. After some praying and thinking about that, though David didn't elaborate on that point, I've concluded that it is of envy, in a two-fold way. It is either a result of envy, or results in envy, and actually is usually both, also being idolatry. Envy [Greek phthonos] is defined as "displeasure produced by witnessing or hearing of the advantage or prosperity of others", and therefore, envy desires to deprive another of what he has, not wanting it for himself. Envy spawns hatred, and hatred, played completely out, provokes murder. I think that any sin is of envy, but fornication is likely the worst about it, due to it involving some deeply rooted aspects of the human being.

Cain murdered Abel due to envy, and the Pharisees delivered up Jesus Christ to be crucified because they were filled with envy [Matthew 27:17,18, Mark 15:10, Luke 4:17-30]. Abel offered a righteous sacrifice to God, while Cain gave of the fruit of the ground, but not the best offering he could have given. Cain was displeased with Abel, because of the blessing Abel received from God. However, rather than also wanting God's blessing, he not only didn't want it, he didn't want Abel to have it, either, so he murdered him [Genesis 4:2-8, I John 3:12]. The human spirit naturally has the capability to have envy [James 4:5, Galatians 5:17 > Romans 7:7-25], but it is up to us to let the Spirit of God reign, and not act on it [Romans 5:21, Colossians 3:16, James 1:12-17, Malachi 3:5,6]. One common manifestation of envy occurs as such: person A gets to do what others can't, such as park near the door at work. Persons b,c and d complain, just so person a can no longer park near the door. B,c and d don't want to park near the door, but they don't want a to park near it, either. But just because envy is the root of murder, how does this tie in with fornication? One way is because of what is called spiritual murder.

We are told that if we obey the commandments, we will get blessed [Deuteronomy 28:1-14, Leviticus 26:3-13], but if we do not obey them, we will be cursed [Deuteronomy 28:15-68, Leviticus 26:15-39]. In a nutshell, Jesus did not come to do away with the moral commandments [Matthew 5:17-20, Romans 6:1-7], but rather to enable us to walk and live in the moral commandments [Leviticus 7:36 >Ezekiel 11:19-21, 36:25-29 > Romans 6:11-23 (and many others)], and I write this in order to establish a foundation for the object of the lesson, in general. So by saying, we understand that under grace, we are enabled to better and more fully obey the commandments, not escape them.

By linking together the definition of envy and the fact that we are to obey God's commandments as well as what Jesus taught and says, through the Spirit [Revelation 14:12, Ephesians 4:30], in essence of the definition, if we disobey God or the Holy Spirit, then we are depriving both ourselves and our partner, of the blessings of God and the Spirit, by committing fornication. Even though we may not realize that we are experiencing displeasure in being holy and in the other person remaining holy, that is what is happening if that occurs, because we are not taking pleasure in being holy and experiencing the blessings of God. There is no neutral ground with God [Joshua 24:14,15, Ezekiel 20:38, Matthew 13:40-43, Luke 9:49,50], though many are in the process of making a decision whether or not to serve Christ [Joel 3:14]. To reiterate, robbing someone, including ourselves, of something, of anything, but not desiring to possess what is robbed, is envy. All outward acts are the manifestation of an inward thought, whether good or bad.

Aside from the marriage ceremony, feast and other formalities, the marriage is consummated when the groom goes into the bride, the two become one [Genesis 29:21-30, Matthew 19:4-6], two human spirits interact and mesh, whether it is a marriage ordained by God or whether it is just a midnight fling, howsoever it may come about. Note that ceremonies differ from one culture to another. So spiritually, when two interact sexually, they each become a part of what the other is, and there is a spiritual union, of sorts. If not a marriage, it is an unlawful union, according to certain spiritual aspects of the Mosetical law and otherwise, God's spiritual laws which pertain to all humans. When the only true union is sexual, which is something to do with spiritual laws in a natural format, it creates a severe imbalance because other factors are out of order and not in unison, that is, there is no real or thorough mental, emotional, Godly spiritual and physiological union, which is possible only with courting and getting to know one another, in most cases, as it is rare for a man and woman to meet, marry within a month or a few months, and the marriage actually last [I Corinthians 6:15-20].

The apostles put fornication among those things which are especially important to refrain from [Acts 15:19,20,28,29], knowing that certain sins are more damaging to one's spiritual walk with Christ than are others, though any rebellion against any commandment, when knowingly done, has repercussions, often severe. God has shown via Deuteronomy 28 and Leviticus 26 that disobedience to His commandments will cause the transgressor(s) to become seven times worse off than they were before the transgression(s). There are a multitude of plagues which the Lord strikes people with who knowingly and willfully break His commandments, including death of children and livestock by wild beasts; terror; consumption, which might be cancer; burning ague (fever with chills, sweating and shivering); sorrow of heart; less productivity; malcontent; invasion by enemies; higher prices; loss of possessions and lands; faint heartedness; subjugation to enemies; laboring more for less; family quarrels, and; all the plagues which God sent upon Egypt just before the Exodus.

In retrospect, God sometimes allows bad things to happen to His people, even when we are doing our level best. Often it is because we are not relying upon the Lord enough, or because we're not as righteous as we think we are. Sometimes it is simply for His glory in triumphing over satan, or for some of many reasons. Keep in mind that of course, Christ suffered terribly and never sinned. The original apostles, and many other disciples down through the ages, suffered torturous deaths [Book of Job, Hebrews chapter 11, Psalm 116:15, Isaiah 57:1].

There are also spiritual plights which befall those who willfully sin against God. The inhabitants of the cities of the plain, including Sodom and Gomorrah, and possibly the Greeks and Romans, were given over to reprobate minds due to their obstinacy in going against what is right, especially concerning sexual perversions [Romans 1:18-32, Habakkuk 2:18,19, Jeremiah 2:5-13,27, 5:3, chapter 7, Malachi 3:15, Hosea 4:7,12,13, Micah 5:13, Ezekiel 16:17]. Not only that, but when people insist on going their own ways, against God's ways, God Himself will send delusions upon them, which causes them to believe in all kinds of false doctrines, adhering to doctrines of devils and the wicked spirits which spawn and perpetuate those iniquity-filled doctrines [II Thessalonians 2:10-12, Isaiah 6:11,12, 30:1-3, 66:4, Zechariah 7:11-14, Jeremiah 51:39, 13:12-14 > Proverbs 23:8, Jeremiah 18:11-23, Psalm 81:8-16, 29:1-17,20,21, Hosea 2:14, 4:14, 7:11-16, Amos 4:4,5, 2:4, Proverbs 1:23-33]. It is noteworthy to mention that whenever there is a union of any kind, there is a stronger part and a weaker part and, of course, the stronger part, especially when concerning spiritual things, will have the preeminence over the weaker part, or the part that is not as strong., thus potentially a type of bondage, whereas in the realm of Christ and His kingdom, we believers are of equal importance [John 18:36, Luke 17:20,21, Galatians 3:25-29, I Corinthians 12:11-31].

Unrestrained lust often results in rape and other sexual sins, which in turn results in severe problems for the victim, and a more deeply rooted state of envy in the perpetrator [II Samuel 13:1-22, I Thessalonians 4:3-10, Hebrews 3:12, 12:15-17]. Incidentally, the incidence of sexual sins, and crimes, will, I believe, increase more and more, as time goes on. It will be due to the precepts of God being discarded by government, and the gifts of the Holy Ghost being quenched by church people (not the true believers who attend), who are conniving with both ungodly civilian and government sources, who earn their living due to crime [I Timothy 4:1-7, 6:9,10, Isaiah 14:9, 5:20, II Timothy 3:1-9,12,13, 4:3,4, Titus 1:16, James 1:22-26, 2:6,7,14-26, 4:1-4,16,17, 5:1-6, Matthew 23:1-38 > Romans 1:18-32], and don't want crime to stop. Nonetheless, those of us who stay in Christ in sincerity will be okay [I Kings 17:1-9, 19:1-8, Philippians 4:11-13, I Timothy 6:8].

There are many seducers of evil spirits, and a great many of those seducers are in our government, aided by civilian seducers of spirits, some in the organized church, attempting to force, through legislation, a turning away from the Almighty's precepts and commandments. Israel of old had kings and other officials like that, and they were guilty of spiritual adultery, fornication and whoredom, and at times they caused the people to engage in physical sins as well. In every instance, they were all punished, and at times, even if the people did not indulge, the population still suffered due to the sins of their leaders [II Chronicles 21:5,6,11-20]. Note that it is just as evil for government to force certain commandments upon people. Pastor Doug Batchelor put it well, saying "...we do not want a government that will not honor the last six of the ten commandments, or that will try to force the first four".

I will mention that two of the worst seducings of spirits are coming from some church members and some government personnel. I say this from a Christian perspective and from an investigator's past experience. Law enforcement people/associates in my region, both city, county and state, had tried for years to cause me to cleave to one or another female informants, none of which I would ever give in to, or even give much more than the time of day, especially knowing what they were. And because of that, they also had discouraged any other women from dating me, that is, women I'd been interested in who were not informants or criminals, simply women living more normally. They do things like this to a lot more people than one would imagine, manipulating situations and people. There are a variety of spirits, or auras, which are produced by these things.

There are church congregations who connive with both law enforcement and the criminal element, pulling stunts that are hidden behind ulterior motives, in order to advance their own twisted views of Bible doctrine, usually because in some secret, roundabout way they are making gain from false, twisted or tainted doctrine. And corrupt members of law enforcement are only too willing to go along with it. After all, if the church has too much true power of God, society would be much cleaner and serene, and then not nearly as much money would be put into the local and state coffers from the federal government, nor would more and more authority be granted to the local and state authorities [Jeremiah 18:18-23, Matthew 22:15, 27:1,2, 28:12-15, Mark 3:6, Luke 7:30, 23:50,51, Acts 9:23-28, 27:41-44 > Revelation 3:15-22]. There has always been corrupt people in both the organized churches (the temples or synagogues then) and the governments. It is noteworthy to mention that it is said that Adolph Hitler never broke any laws: he simply changed them to suit his agenda, the agenda of the Third Reich. Nonetheless, we who believe in Jesus Christ know that God works all things out for our good, so long as we trust in Him and obey Him [Romans 8:28]. See also Proverbs 3:29, 14:22, Ezekiel 11:2, Micah 2:1,3.

I have not been with a woman since 1997 or 1998, and since unmarried, am much better off for it, and was never a homosexual either, by the way, which is an ugly rumor they sometimes spread whenever you refuse their women. An equally ugly rumor was that I was a gigilo or some such thing. I have seen, back when I was investigating for the FBI, as both a private sleuth and as a commissioned acting agent, females as young as 15 or 16, prepped and made up to appear much older, and to entice males. There are some cases also, in which fake identification has been given to the females, in case the prospective male asked them for proof of their age, and males have been arrested in that manner, in one state or another. Very wicked. Not that a person should be excused for sinning (except after repenting), or for crime (without restitution), but this I show in order to illustrate how wicked people have become (the devil cannot make anyone do anything). They conjure up entire programs, with which to prevent their target from obtaining any relationship, and then have people perform scenarios with which to arouse the target's sexual desire, and when the right time arrives, send their woman to them to finish the enticement. Very wicked.

Agencies such as the CIA conduct studies on people, just to discover how to orchestrate things such as that (reference with keywords such as 'cia studies', psychological warfare' and such). Then to top it off, I've also known of cops to more or less prevent people from getting into church so they can rid themselves of their sexual tendencies, or other tendencies, knowing that many people, sooner or later, will succumb if hounded enough. I believe the devil laughs with sadistic approval at antics such as those. Unfortunately, many church congregations will not help those who are unjustly targeted by government people and, sadly, many are engaged in that type of activity in conjunction with such wicked officials.

Much of the church has a bad habit of having you tempted, especially when going into ministry work, which thing is not of God, but is of the devil [Exodus 13:6-11 > Zechariah 4:6 > I Samuel 17:47 > Ephesians 6:10-18 > II Corinthians 10:3-5]. God does not tempt us to do evil, that is, anything contrary to His commandments [James 2:13-17]. Where it says that God did tempt Abraham, the word tempt is from the Greek peirazo, meaning to try, test or prove. It may be a fine line in essence, but in practice, there is a major difference between testing and enticing. Not only that, but some, if the target does give in to temptation, will then simply make them an outcast from their congregation, rather than help them to overcome [Ezekiel 25:2-4].

God allows us to be tempted, but does not entice us to sin. Some of those same church people who have people enticed will, if you endure the temptation, then turn around and call you a homosexual, misusing scripture found in Daniel 11:37, twisting it to construe that the man of sin, the antichrist, and his followers, are homosexual, which is not so, nor does the scripture indicate as such. It says that he will not regard the desire of women which, according to Walid Shoebat, a former Muslim turned Christian, means that he will not regard a woman's rights in society, the most basic rights, which Muslims do not regard, which is against the doctrine of Christ. In Islam, women are regarded as property, with which to do as one pleases. And so, to put it into laymen's terms, if it doesn't seem that you have the desire for the opposite sex, they construe that to mean that you are not a true believer, evidently not taking into account the fact that some people are celibate or eunuchs [Matthew 19:12]. Not all eunuchs are of God, but some are, and just because someone is a eunuch and not a believer in Christ, that does not mean that they are a follower of the devil, as it were [Proverbs 1:10-19, Isaiah 59:15, Daniel 7:21,25, 8:12,24,25], no more than someone who goes to church, even on a regular basis, is a true believer, just because they attend church. Myself, I have simply now chosen to remain celibate.

People who entice others to commit sin, any sin, have set themselves up as God, yet only in their own deranged minds and hearts, and have committed spiritual fornication with the worst of the oppressors of God's people, not believing that they will be cast down sooner or later [Ezekiel 16:24-31, I Timothy 5:24, Psalm 2:1-5,9, Jude 3,4, Proverbs 16:29,30]. Though they have set themselves up as God, they have actually taken on the personage of satan, the tempter and provoker [Matthew chapter 23]. Giving in to peer pressure, of any type, is not good. It can be difficult to overcome, as I can attest from experience, having been on both sides of that fence at one time or another, being naturally ornery and mischievous to begin with. But let me tell you, fornication is not the mark or essence of true adulthood, no more than killing another human being is. Flee fornication and quench peer pressure. "Real men and women serve Jesus Christ".

     Completed on 05/19/2015. Revised May 21st, 2015.

*Note: I am currently working on how seducing of spirits is orchestrated, one outward manifestation of which is psychological warfare. All of the investigating and legislation in the world will never combat evil of this sort, seducing of spirits, or of sin. The only remedy is repentance of sins and belief in and obeisance to God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost. Not to discount government and law enforcement, because those are necessary things [Romans 13:4].

America is highly confused (Babylon, by the way, means confusion), and does not know which way to go, being deceived for decades by some of those in positions of authority in the church, in the corporate world and in government, but mostly by false prophets in the church. For a review of various types of authority and what is required of believers, see the pages listed below.

Keep in mind that Jesus is not the author of riots, breaking the law or other unruly behavior. By the same token, He is also not in favor of suppression of freedom of religion and it's expression, nor is he neutral. Jesus Christ was, and is, passionate, not passive. As long as being a Christian and doing the work of a Christian is not made illegal, we are to obey the law.

By all means keep tabs on the political scene and vote accordingly, and strongly support the Constitution, if you want any freedom and liberty. If there is an actual issue which you cannot deal with, a real issue, then consult with law enforcement if necessary. Run for office if the Lord leads you in that direction. But worship the Lord, not a system of the world, and adhere to what you say you believe, reading the Bible for yourself, letting the Holy Ghost teach you [I John 2:27, John 16:13], and gather with other believers, somewhere, even if you don't attend church.