Copyright 2013. Slee Canine Training & Security. All rights reserved.

Be Aware and Be Fed Up: Reassert and Reclaim Your Indigenous Power
Revision 5
Evidently I haven't included enough input in some of my security oriented postings about the C.I.A. It appears that some of them are up to the same old tricks again. For decades now that agency has constantly used many people as casual informants, casual meaning the person is an informant for them unwittingly, providing generally common-knowledge information, and perpetually recruiting more, including members of the church, those who are assenting either lacking discernment due to having no real scriptural knowledge, a result of putting their noses into anything except 'The Book' or, loving money and fringe benefits rather than God.
Although the C.I.A., somewhat like the F.B.I., is reputed to be Christian oriented, it is largely a farce, both entities employing methods and operating procedures which are not so wholesome. It is somewhat of a sign post only, and their agenda is the heart's will of an insidious monster, seeking total control through centralization, manipulation of events, conditions and circumstances and subjugating people who inform for them, afflicting those who won't, some of the informers well meaning but yet ignorant of the devices of hoodwinkers. There are some truly fine people in both of those agencies, as there are everywhere, but they certainly have their share of "bad eggs". The downside to making a report to any government agency, is that eventually all information is placed into a main data base. Because of that, any authorized person can gain access to virtually any information contained in that store of documents [F.B.I.].
My old immediate superior of the F.B.I. at Colorado Springs, Colorado, Neil Hoener aka "Blackjack" (or is there really two? I never was completely sure, though he does have at least two proxies, one C.I.A. and one U.S. Marshall-quite a combination for silencing dissenters), has had extensive ties with the C.I.A., supposedly being just an F.B.I. agent, and has caused me much trouble, always costing me employment or opportunity, attempting to coerce me back to investigating (which he strongly alluded to in 2008, actually admitting to it), initiating and unceasingly creating disturbances in other people's lives as well, covertly, mainly via a large group of surreptitious operators, many of them belonging to one church or another and a good number in official positions in various elements of government, a substantial number of them original culprits from the nineties, who undermined many law enforcement investigations which even any respectable militia would consent to the government undertaking.
It is very possible that underlings in the employ of an investigative entity could manipulate investigations, influencing results to appear to be something they are not, and even actually direct the outcome, while leaving the superiors holding the bag if conditions turn sour, though careful reinvestigation would reveal the problems and the culprits. I've seen that and so has the F.B.I., investigating at least one large case like that, being a very intrinsic infringement of proper protocols and extensive violations of law. It was a very demanding task, but they solved it. As a matter of fact, the blonde female mentioned here has done just that, being a very trusted, high level informant, or she could be an agent or private eye, successfully twisting information and misrepresenting facts to a degree that good people have been labeled criminals and criminals labeled good people.
Thankfully, factory work has not been my mainstay for some time, as I have mostly cut trees into logs and firewood since 2000, doing temporary factory work when bad weather sets in. Most years I have willfully performed wood harvesting, enjoying the lifestyle of being outdoors and not being tied down 8-5. But unincidentally, there has been a number of occasions during which I had no other employment that I could do besides. The feds, and sometimes the state cops, think that they are remaining within constitutional guidelines when, instead of ordering someone not under their auspices what to do or not to do, they eliminate choices. This they have done, in concert with an employer for whom I worked from 2000 until late this summer, telling people that I had been "consigned" to it because I was working for them or with them. If any of them ever had even suggested such a thing, I'd have told them where to get off at. Later this summer I then went to work for someone else cutting trees.
One scheme they've pulled is to tell an employer that I was suspected of some wrongdoing, requesting that I was put to work around informants, in order that I was harassed, in that case by ploys they implemented to feel me out and other methods with which to cause undue scrutiny. They also ask, when doing that, to try and get regular workers to take part, for further substantiation, using the same type of stunts informants pull. This they've done, knowing I'd make a report, along the lines of a counter-intelligence maneuver, thereby unwittingly gaining more informants for them, which they finalize by means of coercion. There are many such collaborative artifices they pull.
A "snow job" that cops have seemed to become fond of staging is to harass or intimidate someone, and when the recipient of abuse of authority publicly exposes it, arrest is threatened. That is a contrived scheme, being an offshoot of one of Obama's unconstitutional edicts. Fact is, something happens to me or you, it's a part of our history, our autobiography, and we can tell about it if we desire, not going as far as libel and slander. Myself, I expose wrongs in order to correct them, and usually only after repeated attempts to remedy the situation through the other channels. Government employees are being paid by the taxpayers' money. We are not their servants: we are their boss, though indirectly, and do not have to allow tyrannical acts to occur.
In retrospect, though I believe that their intentions were to destroy me physically, as well as demoralize me via demeaning treatment by the long-time employer, I believe myself to be rather fortunate, somehow discerning that many people end up homeless because they won't bow down to tyrannical government employees or Socialist oriented corporatists. I have a long history of staying pretty physically fit and can endure a lot of tangible hardship. My parents made me work when younger, I have engaged in physically demanding work for hire since age twelve, and the U.S. Army meted out an effective program of bodily and mental fitness which instilled the motivation for me to maintain a fair degree of physical conditioning.
Our government [as a whole], corporate people [Socialist leaning ones] and materialist type of church people have banded together, striving to advance systems, logical orders of arrangements designed to complement one another and achieve a centralized environment, thinking to create jurisdictional, financial and spiritual utopias, all of which are part of one agenda, simply having different labels. It is fast becoming a few ruling many, an oligarchy, a step away from a monarchy, which resembles or is in practice a totalitarian regime.
The nearly opposite is a society based on freedom and liberty found through God's principles, that established by our founders. You don't have to have faith in Christ as a Savior in order to value the Constitution, but I see no way to cherish real freedom and liberty outside of believing in a Supreme Creator and His basic precepts, or at least in the precepts themselves. The moral commandments in the Bible closely resemble those of other cultures, including the Code of Hammurrabi
[], but are more extensive and much more forgiving than that ancient Assyrian code, which meted out sometimes brutal punishments. Every single ancient culture believed in and reverenced some type of all powerful deity, yet modern thinkers call those cultures primitive and barbaric.
Concerning subjugating someone via eliminating choices and placing them into conditions conducive to physical, mental and spiritual fatigue, my situation, in which I usually have thrived, is not unique to myself. The three above named entities are doing the same thing to all who refuse to assent to liberty-robbing mandates, just implemented in different ways. Ever wonder why some workplace, though running smoothly, efficiently and boasting of an air of camaraderie, would suddenly call for a major change by the administrators?, that change resulting in reduced scope of free thinking, speech and action, as well as other policy alterations which causes personal isolation between employees and added stress and tension?
Agencies such as, and especially, the C.I.A. conduct all sorts of "studies" while engaged in spy work, determining how specific conditions, both favorable and undesirable, affect the masses, the majority of people, within given locales and regions, and on an even larger scale. This information is then used in ways which are detrimental to the full utilization, fulfillment and enjoyment of those liberties and freedoms afforded by the Constitution, frequently in the form of federal (primarily), state and local laws, regulations and other rules.
For example, a study may determine, say, the stress level of a group of people in a given environment, taking into consideration work habits, recreational activities, pay scales and tax rates, eating habits, prices of products and other such factors. That data is then compared to the agenda of the current administration or to any particular plan, either government or large-scale private and it's success rate. Every conceivable factor and variable is analyzed in order to determine how it affects the end goal. Once all of that is established and programmed into an understandable format, environments are "restyled", made possible by a redefinition and manipulation of existing and additional protocols of operations and functionalities, as well as modified edicts, for instance higher taxes on certain products.
Since the short and long term effects of added stress are known, and it's causes, needed adjustments are made with which to increase stress overall and opportunities are created which tend to sway the opinions and subsequent actions of the people involved, the perpetrators being fully aware that if faced with problems stemming from more strain and tension, most people will accept some easy remedy for it, which is available by walking through some door of opportunity which the instigators of problems have made easy to access, walking through that doorway automatically stripping a few more civil or Constitutional rights from the people.
And it isn't necessarily always done with the corporate or other groups' peoples' knowledge. Those same conditions could be created by using tax laws to financially burden area businesses, the initiators of illicit protocols being reasonably certain that increased drug use and drinking by employees will result. That would net more revenue for law enforcement and provide a greater choice of select informants and recruits for the D.O.J. or police agencies, the outcome of more control of perhaps the police by the feds, or of the general population by police. A number of possibilities exist in any given scenario, the variations are numerous and this is the developed thought pattern of those in control. For more thorough details and true to life examples, go online and search for articles using keywords such as 'cia mind control programs', 'black ops', 'how do federal agencies manipulate and control people?', or 'programs of demoralization'.
Overall, looking at the "big picture", it is a huge, working curriculum of a demoralization of the American people, in order to break the peoples' will and resistance to the proposed New World Order, first mentioned by George H.W. Bush, while President of the United States, during a speech, expounded upon and vehemently thrust at us by Obama, a self professed Muslim, which group of religionists have as their stated goal world domination [Islam. Encyclopedia Britannica. © ...1959 by Encyclopedia Britannica. Published by William Benton. Pgs. 708-712]. Interestingly, Adolph Hitler discarded the idea of Germany being a Christian nation, desiring to adopt Islam as the official state religion, having ties with Muslim leaders [].
Most Muslims in America are peaceful, respectable and respectful to others, but their religion demands that Christianity eventually be eliminated, whether by peace or by force, Islam's leaders deceiving the followers [Saheeh International. The Quran. © Al-Muntada Al-Islami, 2001-2011]. According to historical examples cited by Walid Shoebat, Muslims have always taken a country over first by peace and then by force []. In my own words, to submit to Islam is exemplified in the allegory of a rapist breaking into a woman's home, demanding sensual obeisance, whereupon the woman, in order to avoid a violent confrontation, willingly makes herself available. The power brokers of the New World Order themselves couldn't care less what religion takes precedence. They will merely use any means available that will serve to subjugate the people.
The last time I seen Hoener, or a proxy closely resembling him, was the winter of 2014-15, at Biomet in Warsaw, posing as a delivery driver, a favorite stunt of the feds. I said hello to him and he acted like he'd been shot, very much appearing to me like someone with a very guilty conscience, as always whenever he was doing something which he knew better than to do, an attribute common to most of us. The blonde female he's employed as an uprooter of good people is smoother, likely no longer having any conscience, but Hoener's one proxy was always giddy to begin with at times, ever since I met him in '94.
It is possible that Hoener's higher ups have made him throw some cases concerning government corruption, seeing as how it was Hoener [or proxy] who always ran interference for me when their superior were aggravated with me, which was much of the time. I have to most definitely credit one or both of them for professional investigating, which kept me from prison for a crime I didn't commit, had nothing at all to do with, and didn't even know the victims or culprits. And in all actuality, the crime likely never even happened at all.
Concerning running interference, well, sometimes, when a government agent is harassing you, especially an outspoken patriot, Christian or other classification of someone who vehemently tackles certain social or civil issues, it's a possibility that his or her higher ups ordered them to permanently stop you, and they either won't, or can't due to inopportunity. That does happen.
Anyway, beware of covert activity. The two best courses of action are to ignore their attempts to recruit you, and/or expose them. This business of them maintaining national security via some of what they do is plain rubbish. Our federal agencies are but trying to destroy national and individual sovereignty, enabled chiefly by largely being a bunch of meddlers, implementing the services of a lot of civilian busybodies. It is indigenous power united which will keep America secure.
The reason that so many people are intimidated by those scoundrels, is because our government has become a top down model instead of a bottom up society, and indigenous power is being replaced with surrogate power. Some will ask why our government doesn't just turn into a totalitarian regime swiftly? Lord Chesterfield tells why: "Arbitrary power...must be introduced by slow degrees, and as it were, step by step, lest the people should see it approach" (2).
I will no longer give any of our agencies the benefit of the doubt. They are all [all who engage in unethical practices] corrupt bogies and need to be put into their place which, as far as I'm concerned, is ultimately hell, the Maker's job someday. But for now, the malevolent, prevaricating, contriving, ulterior managing and connoisseurs of the raven-colored abstractions, I mean inclusively natural progenies of the ultimate and thorough essence of Mephistopheles, can abdicate their temporary habitance in the parochial, and other, external conditions, acquiring an intrusion of the terminal allotment of the intestinal result of the sigmoid flexure, via an overly annoyed projection of a substantially interminable, unyielding, elongated sceptor [layman's terms in lieu of II Timothy 4:14, I Corinthians 16:22, Genesis 3:14, Jeremiah 7:8-16, II Peter 2:12, Romans 13:1-4] (I Corinthians 16:22 refers to those who knowingly misuse scripture, not those who just have not made a profession of faith).
It is time to regain both our individual sovereignty, that is, our indigenous power (1), and to demand that the United States reclaim it's sovereignty: we don't need the United nations and we don't need Marxists in our government. Freedom to run this article is guaranteed by the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, one of many guaranteed freedoms, a written form of thought and belief. As long as we express our opinion in morally acceptable ways, and I guess even if we don't, that amendment says we can think, say and do for ourselves, unabridged by anyone, including and especially government. Included in the First Amendment is the right to gather, in this case via the internet, to express our views and learn what other people are thinking.
Speaking of the First Amendment, also beware of activities emanating from a program called 'Operation Mockingbird', began in the '40s by the C.I.A., in a vast attempt to control the masses through curtailing of freedom of the press. There is little doubt that that sinister program is still being conducted, possibly more by the F.B.I. now than the C.I.A. Watching news from the mainstream media makes it evident that we are not getting real, honest and unbiased reports from them (3).
The notion that it is everyone's duty to perform service under the authority of the government is unconstitutional, redundant, unprofitable to liberty and of totalitarian origin. The 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, 13th, and 14th Amendments to the Constitution make it clear that force and coercion cannot be used to abridge anybody's rights nor to press someone into service, and that no such activity can legally occur without due process, meaning official proceedings. There is a lot of secret deals going on all the time, wherein the object [person] of the agreement is not even aware.
Several statements by founders and other statesmen from the past are more than worth mentioning. And if you really give these remarks some thought, they ring true and hit home:
"...I am committed against everything which, in my judgment, may weaken, endanger, or destroy [the Constitution]...and especially against all extension of Executive power; and I am committed against any attempt to rule the free people of this country by the power and the patronage of the Government itself..."-Daniel Webster;
"It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."-Daniel Webster.
"In question of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution"-Thomas Jefferson;
Why has our government gotten so large and oppressive? There are several reasons, summed up in a few more quotations:
"Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have need of more masters" [laws]-Benjamin Franklin;
"The sum of all is, if we would most truly enjoy the gift of Heaven, let us become a virtuous people; then shall we both deserve and enjoy it. While, on the other hand, if we are universally vicious and debauched in our manners, though the form of our Constitution carries the face of the most exalted freedom, we shall in reality be the most abject slaves."-Samuel Adams.
When Barack Obama was campaigning for president, he convinced a large portion of the people that government was going to be transformed into a benevolent institution which would skyrocket everybody to prosperity. What did Thomas Jefferson say about an idea like that? "A government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have...the course of history shows that as a government grows, liberty decreases." Obama was quite eloquent and apparently sounded reasonable to many. This nation should have taken heed to a warning from George Washington about that very concept: "Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action."
So how does indigenous power, that is, individual sovereignty, tie in with reining in government that has gotten out of hand? Thomas Paine stated, in his pamphlet 'Common Sense', in 1776, that "...all powers of the government were derived from the individuals who created the government". Common Sense Revisited reiterates that doctrine of fact: "A government is a surrogate. The only power it has is that which has been delegated to it by the individuals who created it.".
Further, "As long as it [government] does not usurp indigenous power and as long as it respects the indigenous power which created it, then it can be very useful. However, as soon as a government, or any surrogate, assumes the rights of indigenous power, it has become corrupt. This corruption will always be accompanied by force, intimidation, dishonesty, and other forms of coercion". The answer to America's problems are most definitely not in a limp wristed Congress, which we now have. The power for remedy is in each individual:
"When this kind of oppression occurs, nothing is more effective than a declaration of sovereign rights held by those with indigenous power...Such a declaration of sovereignty is what will naturally happen when any individual, or group of individuals, acknowledges the indigenous power established by the Creator. Surrogate power may fight back, but it can never win once indigenous power is clearly declared because surrogate power, in reality, has no true power of its own" (5).
1. Unknown author, Common Sense Revisited. Pgs. 1-10.
2. Unknown author, Common Sense Revisited. Pg. 11.
4. Constitution quotations from 'The Constitution of the United States. © 2009 by National Center for Constitutional Studies. ISBN-13: 978-0-88080-144-7.
5. Author unknown. Common Sense Revisited. Pgs. 5,6.
Note: Ironically, concerning Neil Hoener, or his proxy, whichever one I always had dealt with, I've always had a particular personal liking for the man. I didn't dislike the actual Hoener, though, if there's really two who used that name, he outright let me know that he didn't much care for me, and that he'd get me, sooner or later. Not too surprising, coming from someone who blatantly stated that he didn't care at all about the Constitution. But all in all, they were about like night and day, so there were either two who used the name, or one man with a severe personality disorder, likely obtained from working way too much undercover cases.


I ran across some interesting information today. It’s an FBI program called COINTELPRO, a covert agenda to destroy groups and individuals who dissent, that is, disagree openly, with government mandates. Supposedly the program was discontinued in the early seventies. However, I firmly believe that it, or some similar undertaking, is still being implemented. The two biggest differences between that original program against dissent is: now the technology is much more advanced, and; Christians and other patriots are being targeted. This info happens to stem from a pro Muslim site, but the same methods are used against whoever the target and intended victims are. Check it out. If any of the info on the sites I list here become unavailable, drop me an email or give me a call, as I have copied all of the goodies:;;;;


Must have been around 2004, when I tried attending my home church again, and, as always, it went okay for a time. But I began seeing signs of an off brand of intelligence activity, in that case the breed perpetuated by a one F.B.I. Special Agent Neil Hoener (now reportedly retired) or a proxy, aka ‘Blackjack’, Colorado Springs, CO, my former supervisor. I called him on it, and he owned up to that the some in the congregation were being used for informers of one type or another. It still continues, the illicit practice also being done with other churches.
Aside from that being sacrilegious, there are church people who think that it’s okay to do so, and when you have people like that who are granted a certain type and amount of authority, you have a modern, passive (so far) version of the domineers who ruled during the Dark and Middle Ages, in the name of “God”, of course.
There’s little doubt that some have taken silence bribes, and the current pastor merely panders to the people to begin with, so nobody there who knows is going to make waves, at either of those churches or anywhere else that sort of thing is taking place. We are now in a spineless society in which most people are as adamant at taking a stand as a jellyfish. I see the day coming when extremely bad people will be dragging people like me out of our home and killing us, and not a soul around will do a goddamned thing about it.
Americans have turned yellow. In stark contrast, the Muslim terrorists are not cowards, at all, they are just wrong. Americans are largely both timid subjugates and wrong, by virtue of not standing against or for anything. It’s not enough for some of these church people to castigate and/or ostracize people from their congregations, they have to go on the offensive and try to destroy them, just like the Pharisees of old.


The most important political position in America is not, as most people probably believe, the President of the Country. The most important position is the county sheriff, because if each county is not sovereign, then as each county loses it’s somewhat independent status, eventually the entire nation will no longer be a free, independent and sovereign entity. The sheriff can, when need be, prevent even federal agencies from undermining what is right and just. But what about when they won’t?
Around two years ago, a man was arrested and put in jail by our county sheriff, Bob Land, at the request or order of Robert McCallen, Jr., over a problem between the new owners of the former Celotex, the buildings, in Lagro, IN and the I.D.E.M. There were two major problems with that, to begin with, which resulted in a third, and major, problem.
Three brothers acquired the buildings, and were working on improving the property, having made one improvement which prevented further pollution from a waterway, the supposed cause of the problem between the government entity and the new owners. Word rolled downhill and one of the brothers was arrested. Besides there probably not having been an infraction that justified an arrest, the brother who was arrested was not one of the three brothers who had purchased the property.
One of the brothers who had purchased the ground and buildings presented $50,000.oo to the sheriff’s department for a bond with which to retrieve his brother from jail. An explanation and a picture of Land and McCallen counting the money was in ‘The Paper’ a couple of different times.
As if a false arrest, as well as negligence of true duty (that duty being to uphold the true essence of the law), wasn’t enough, the money was never returned, even though all court appearances and other stipulations of a bond were met. That is called theft. This is perhaps one of the worst violations of the Constitution of the USA that Wabash County has seen financial wise.
Is it any wonder, that the sheriff and other officials refuse or are hindered from abiding by what is just? Back during the nineties, the FBI could have, and would have, conducted the culmination of an operation which would have cleared the streets of Wabash County of several hundred thousand, if not a million, dollars worth of illegal drugs. Why didn’t they? Because certain county officials, including police officers, refused to turn over several key informants, which would also have implicated some officers and officials. At least one of those informants had extensive ties with the Indiana State Police, county and city police, the C.I.A. and the mob, well known and employed by state police detectives.
Because of a ‘good ‘ole boy’ mentality and implementation of the law, crime is running more rampant than ever before. When the law and it’s true essence is not upheld, when citizens keep silent and when separation of church and state, which has happened extensively, is cast off, huge problems result. Hence, the “stellar” communities of Wabash County.
Why is it, that when Bob Land was an investigator for the Indiana State Police, that in 1998 when I reported to him a potential, covert threat to myself, by another worker at CFC Distributors, that I ended up being harassed. Why is it that when I reported to him that a particular brunette, nicknamed Yul, was obtaining confidential reports and undermining cases, he didn’t really want to do anything about it? Why is it that he refuses to discuss criminal issues emanating from the activities of the blonde female who worked at Video Unlimited, the same female who has been trained in industrial espionage and possibly the art of assassination, yet he disseminates information to informers in the community? What is Bob hiding? Why is it that there is a deputy running around whose picture isn’t included in the photos of the other deputies? Why have I seen who looks like Bob incognito at several places I’ve worked, and always have problems thereafter with some of the people? Are the feds hindering local law enforcement? Are they impersonating proxies, discrediting local law enforcement so they can substantiate pulling a power play?
There is extensive use of proxies at times by one or another levels of law enforcement, especially the F.B.I. and C.I.A. However, there has also been an abundant amount of that and other methods implemented by militia and other Constitutional groups, mostly abused and contributing to uprooting of sound law enforcement and constitutional precepts. There has been, at times, people from one or another civilian groups going so far as to impersonate officers of the government. That is not so hard to do when you consider that most people are aware that anyone can slightly alter their appearance by walking, talking and acting differently. Due to that, when a stand-in is utilized by someone, it is easy for the participants to convey the idea that it is a certain person, in cognito. Child’s play for people adept at that.
Incidentally, the clan involved here has some members who have been prying where they ought not, some young ones and older ones, abusing the information by trying to put certain people under their subjection and “rule”.
Concerning prostitution, the reason it shouldn’t be legal is not on moral grounds. If it’s going to occur, it’s going to occur. It goes on all the time, in every state, in various forms. The government does it, the churches do it, spouses do it, all kinds of people do it. A woman needs her car fixed, can’t afford shop rates, maybe not parts. So she pays some guy to fix her car, but not in cash. Technically that’s prostitution. Church people, they will fix you up with a spouse, IF you go along with their theme, THEIR game. Cops, they’ll fix you up with a mate, IF you play their game. A spouse, usually the woman, she’ll sometimes hold out if she doesn’t get her way, new this or new that, or some other thing, maybe the way hubby acts, or maybe she wants him to give up or cut back on some hobby. That is all prostitution, technically.
The biggest problem with prostitution, is that the government, especially the C.I.A. and the F.B.I. some, AND the more criminal element, they all use women in that capacity for informers, sometimes for assassins. The most valuable information is not generally some crime someone committed or is going to do, because it’s usually known, depending upon what the crime is. The most critical information is day to day, normal things: what does John Doe do in his spare time?; where does he go?; who does he visit?; what are his hobbies?; where does he live?; what does he drive?; etc.
If prostitution were legal, the government, and the criminal element, would have a heyday gleaning personal information, and they’re already too nosy, for the wrong reasons. You think they’re intrusive now, let prostitution be made legal and nobody, including people not engaging in anything wrong, would have their privacy covertly violated like they never dreamed. Think about how many people the average person knows. How many are criminals? Not very many. But everybody likes to talk about who is doing what, and when and where, etc. Think!
Illegal drugs. If they’re legalized, sure, it’d eliminate the criminal aspect of it, of course, and lower the price. But then we’d have a bunch of legal junkies sprawled out all over the place, erratic drivers, extremely senseless shootings, stabbings, beatings, rapes, molestation, all kinds of things, ten times worse and more than now. Legalizing drugs would only eliminate drug crimes, but make other crimes probably skyrocket. Not to mention the fact that employee productivity would drop drastically and absenteeism would go way up. Think!
Oh, and let’s make it legal for everyone to buy an Uzi or an AK47, with a couple of hand grenades for a bonus pack. That way, EVERYONE will be a patriot. When people are looking down at a loved one’s corpse, because they died of a drug overdose, or got involved in a head-on crash, because John Doe was able to be zonked out of his mind on some drug, and allowed to drive 90 mph on his way to buy some 7.62 ammo, the survivors can reflect that their dearly departed died for the cause of freedom and liberty. So instead of singing ‘Amazing Grace’, all of the funeral attendees can just wave a flag!

As always, the feds can’t just orchestrate a simple task, half the time not at all, and never without trying to take everything over. I recently made a report to the F.B.I. that a female at the WalMart I work at, either an employee or a regular customer, could be an assassin who escaped their grip previously. Instead of slipping in, either there or somewhere she frequents or lives, observing and taking a few photos, which they can easily do without notice, the feds have to trample over everything and cause disarray to reign (in the investigative arena), even ordering people to stay away from me, like they always do. Screw them stupid bastards. For a number of years, via Neil Hoener and probably Steve Kell, every place I’ve worked, other than woodcutting, has been only allowed, behind the scenes, for purposes of some stupid investigative reason, which I have tried to screw up for years, but we have no cops with any backbone and no civilians with spine. I suspected it some years ago, and called Hoener (or Blackjack) on the phone, telling him that I was being prevented from obtaining any gainful employ other than woodcutting, or when the feds needed a plant somewhere, and he told me that it was woodcutting or nothing, except when needed elsewhere. The way they got me to make reports was by having someone else at the place of employ, who was connected with them, to stir something up, make a threat, etc. And I think that most of it was nothing but a ploy by which to enable access to that business by the feds. Incidentally, they’re also trying to prevent me from moving to another abode. I’ve also suspected for some time that not only have they scared potential dog training customers away from my place, or from calling me, but I believe that they may have intercepted emails to me as well. And to top it off, and this is just a rumor, but it is a possibility that some person has been appointed to “clear” people before visiting me. This stuff is right up the feds’ alley. I know them too well, just like a nightmare you can’t forget. According to the Constitution, in several places, it says to mean that unless you have been caught in a crime, and given the chance for leniency in exchange for service, you do not have to do squat for the government. Just tell ‘em to get bent. Here is an excellent article which reveals some ways by which to positively identify someone, so they have no excuse for creating a goddamned 2 month ordeal from what should a 20 minute task: I called the Colorado Springs, Colorado F.B.I. office recently, complaining about having seen Hoener or a proxy around, talking to him once, briefly. The agent told me that it is “just his “noshie”, meaning his mob proxy. Normally I would say that it means that, since Hoener had a proxy in with the mob, back in ‘94, that they are uprooting Constitutional precepts by throwing cases, which causes more dictatorial rules to be made. And it could be, but I think that the feds themselves are too power hungry and tyrannical. Previously, for a number of years, cops were always hassling me too, often quite covertly. I believe now that they were lied to about me by Hoener and/or his proxies. Once when talking to the alleged actual Hoener, he strongly alluded to supporting Socialism, and didn’t care at all for the Constitution. I believe him to be tied in intimately with the U.S. Department of State, who may no longer be as good as they once were concerning real American ways. The proxy who went by Blackjack was always good, and Constitutional, and was my main superior. He may or may not have been the real Hoener. I’m really not sure and never was. All I knew was that there were 5 or 6 men who went by Neil Hoener. probably only Hoener’s two sons would both know and say for sure. Hoenerand/or a proxy is in with some entity which is trying to implement total control over the population, by means including behavior and mind control. In Biblical terms it is called seducing of spirits, which manifests itself in tangible expression of psychological warfare. Most so-called preachers don’t seem to have a clue what that is, so each person has to find out what it is and how it works. Probably use key words such as ‘spiritual warfare’ and ‘psychological warfare’. Concerning proxies for me, produced without my foreknowledge, much less my consent, I think they’ve had proxies testify for me concerning past cases. I told them while in Colorado that I wasn’t willing to testify, unless I absolutely had to, so they worked things a bit differently than normal: me having been commissioned, I could have testified as an agent;since I didn’t want to, the full F.B.I. agents went behind me later and verified and documented everything, so they could testify. Having a proxy testify instead of the actual person is acceptable, far as I know, but someone has went too far and tried to claim my previous work as his own. I suspect there’s been a lot of secret and illegal trials and hearings, whereby they’ve totally misrepresented all my reports to the feds. To the extreme, someone has also tried to force me to trade places with a proxy. Not gonna happen. I’ll tell you what. I am a U.S. Army soldier, tried and proven. You can make me shy way, look like a fool, even cry. But God help the bastard that backs a soldier clear into a corner.


There are many instances of government infringing on individual rights, both Constitutional and Civil. However, there are factors which often enable and perpetuate it: the outright criminal element; elements of the organized church, and; elements of militia and other “Constitutional” groups, including some members of the “Tea Party” groups.
These groups are fast becoming either anti-government altogether, or else are using the government to slyly uphold and promote their singular, self produced and strictly sentimental views. Some people, both government and civilian, scoff when I say that groups of people can lie effectively enough to throw a case, get an innocent person put in jail, or cause a number of other unseemly happenings. Yet, that was proved beyond the shadow of a doubt by the F.B.I., concerning investigations in Wabash County during the nineties. Not only, but recently, a Secret Service agent on WOWO Radio, when discussing a book he has written concerning Hillary Clinton, stated that during one investigation, “scores” of informants lied, hindering a case.
Those of you who do such things, thinking that prohibition of certain drugs and other vices is totalitarianism, are the ones who are perpetuating a dictatorial type of government, and are partly responsible for the enabling of illegal drug dealers, the results displayed frequently in the local obituary columns.
During the nineties, the F.B.I., by investigations sourcing from Colorado Springs, Colorado, could have cleared the streets of Wabash, Indiana of several hundred thousand dollars worth of illegal drugs. They were prevented from doing so by a number of factors: officials and cops refused to hand over certain informers; many informers and some cops lied; some type of “Constitutional” group instigated surreptitious activity to begin with; some dirty U.S. Marshals of the Indianapolis protection division secreted away some key whistle blowers.
There are a lot of people who need to stop, and use their cognitive reasoning for once, contemplating about just what kind of world they are creating for their children and grandchildren.


HOENER ENTERPRISES, COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO I believe that Hoener Enterprises has been used to gather information and data in order to perpetuate a series of crimes originally orchestrated by an "underground" type of "constitutional" group based in or around Wabash County during the nineties, which group was undermined and subverted by the F.B.I. beginning in 1995, enabled by information procured by myself while freelance investigating for Wabash City Police Detective Jeff Whitmer and Wabash County Sheriff Tim Roberts.
Evidence strongly at least suggests that rather than making arrests and completely disbanding the illicit constitutional group, the F.B.I. began using select members of that group to work for the F.B.I., implementing the same or similar methods in order to broaden the power and scope of F.B.I. authority, essentially taking that group over, making it a part of the pool of F.B.I. personnel. In the process of that, local, state and some federal governmental entities' efforts at their mission completion have been compromised and even thwarted.
Since determining protocols implemented by Hoener, I have noticed many similarities between the investigative, and other, scenarios between 1985 to 1995, and between after returning to Indiana from Colorado in March of 1995, to the present time. Based upon that, I have reason to believe, and think that facts will support, the thesis that Hoener and/or a proxy using Hoener’s name has utilized an illicit program of harassment, intimidation and other ploys by which to create a huge network of informers and investigators, designed to manipulate, control and deceive, with the intent of ushering in and instituting Socialism, a tyrranical, covert rulership.
Facts supporting this thesis are as follows: Indirect 1. Several agents/officers/proxies at Colorado Springs, CO used the name Neil Hoener during 1994-95. 2. The agent going by 'Blackjack' related that he was not Neil Hoener. 3. I worked under several different officers using the name Neil Hoener. 4. One "Neil Hoener" admitted that he was not against Socialism and in fact considered it to be a viable ruling option. 5. A Neil Hoener stated that there is no longer much difference between the F.B.I., the C.I.A. and even the U.S. Marshals. 6. Neil Hoener was stationed at Indianapolis, IN and Chicago, IL previous to 1994. 7. Hoener was the agent who, working with an Indiana State Police cop, in 1983, pulled myself and two friends over, each of us in a separate car, on Old U.S. 24 between Wabash and Huntington, having suspected us of running drugs and/or guns, which we never were. 8. In 1994, Hoener stated that he was aware of two culprits from Indiana,, after I named them to him as engaging in questionable activity. Direct 1. I caught Hoener costing me my job at CMS, Huntington, IN, in 2008, and called him on it. he admitted that he was attempting to force me to go back to investigating. This indicates that he is willing to do so to others. 2. Most people I named as culprits or witnesses to crime or mischief to Hoener have ended up spying on me, or otherwise intimidating/harassing me and others, a blatant abuse of authority. Some people have been utterly cast down. 3. Hoener has conceded that to him it is acceptable to manipulate and use people for investigative purposes. 4. Hoener has observed people being unjustly/unnecessarily being placed into a protection program, in order to monitor how it is done. This was after employing two C.I.A. agents who worked undercover, posing as being in danger yet not willing to be placed into that U.S. Marshal program, being more or less forced to, in order to determine the validity of my claim. I also caught Hoener purposely endangering people in order to place them into a protection program or to coerce them into being informers or investigators. 5. Hoener has intimidated county personnel and civilians who were attempting to investigate reports and findings from me, including Wabash County Prosecutor's Dept. Investigator Terri Weaver, Brenda _____ (Newport, PA), 6. When an acting street agent in Colorado, being placed in a factory by Hoener for under cover work, he wanted me to engage in psychological warfare against a subject, action conducive to creating, triggering or perpetuating a psychosis. I refused to do so. 7. Four subjects I reported to Hoener in 1994 ended up missing or very hard to locate: ____ ____ from Washington Courthouse, VA, Henry ________, Rose Marie ____? from Durango, Colorado and Tawnie (ph.) _____, Colorado Springs, CO. I worked with Rick, Rose Marie and Henry at Eagle Picher and with Tawnie at Shepherds-McGrawHill, both in Colorado Springs. 8. The two or three times prior to starting a canine training business, I attempted to start other small businesses. After confiding in Hoener that I was doing so, those plans were thwarted. 9. In 1993 I uncovered a car parts and stolen weapons ring, comprised of employees of Eagle Picher, Huntington, IN, reporting it to Huntington City Police Detective Greg Hedrick, to no avail, also being harassed by F.B.I. agents who were attached there. I reported that to Hoener in 1994. The business was completely shut down a year or two later, when in fact the crime ring could have been dealt with without disrupting the business. I learned about that from the owner, and called Hoener on it. His reply was a nonchalant intimation that it was no big deal and that the F.B.I. did such things all the time. 10. After 1995, when calling to Hoener and citing instances of violations of civil and constitutional rights against people, he would either discount it or hang up on me, knowing that I did not particularly favor militia groups, whose members sometimes go overboard and misinterpret constitutional rights. 11. I reported Hoener to the President of the United States in 1994, because Hoener seemed to have some undue personal affinity and association with the La Cosa Nostra. When discussing the cases, he said several times not to discuss the matter with anyone, because it was "...our thing", emphasizing 'our thing'. Later, I learned that the La Cosa Nostra is also called 'Our Thing" (I believe that the mob is generally respectful to individual rights and things sacred). 12. At one time, several years ago, I suspected Hoener of not only causing me job loss and prevention of opportunity, but arranging it so that all I could usually do for a living was to cut firewood for _____ _______, Roann, IN. When I called Hoener on it, he said that it's that way or no job at all. I started cutting trees and firewood in 1998, and sometime around 2008 I was trying to change occupations, but Hoener prevented it, even though my obligation with the FBI ended in March of 1995. 13. Hoener has told inquirers that he'd never heard of me. However, he had called my late father a couple of times, under pretense of checking on my welfare, only to convey the thought that I was mentally imbalanced due to reports I'd made to him. Hoener also, in 1994, said that he was storing most reports I'd made to him at his home, and that he'd work on it later. Someone from the U.S. Dept. of State was in touch with me off and on while I was in Colorado, not trusting Hoener very far. They also said that they were going to use some Navy Seals to get into Hoener's home and retrieve/make copies of reports I'd made to Hoener, later saying they were successful. 14. Hoener has conveyed the idea that he is against Christianity. When I called Hoener on trying to recruit devout Christians as informers, he talked as though nothing is sacred. 15. Sometime between 1998 and 2006, Honer informed me that they were going to use some mafia people to help break up the underground constitutional group that had plagued Wabash County and other regions. In 2006, Hoener informed me that he was going to start relaying confidential reports to the Indiana State Police at Peru, IN. My protests fell on deaf ears. Prior to that, I was submitting some info to the I.S.P., and Hoener called me on it, angry. 16. In/around 2004, Hoener informed me that he was going to Washington, D.C., having been summoned. Part of the agenda was to provide a report on issues concerning and stemming from my reports. Some of those had reached then director Louis Freeh, who intended to take care of the problem, but was prevented. 17. I once told Hoener, in 1994, that you could tell Americans anything, and they'd believe you, referring to the fact that the "underground" had effectively fooled many people. I believe that Hoener has used that concept as part of a program by which to control the masses. 18. Hoener is not against using "truth serum" (thiopental) on people. The first time I went into the F.B.I. office at Colorado Springs, CO for an interview, Hoener walked in with a needle and syringe, with the apparent intent of injecting me with it. Between my threats and his supervisor's warning, he backed off. 19. Hoener emphasized several times, in 1994, that he held in great esteem a particular part of his background, that is, his German background. Once when I accused him of being a Nazi, he laughed about it and said "So what? There are more ways than American ways". 20. Hoener seemed to have more of an affinity for the mob than he did the F.B.I. or other government agencies, unduly so. 21. Hoener and/or other F.B.I. have attempted to bring me into disdain with my family doctor. Hoener had previously tried to get me put on medication, saying I had either a chemical imbalance in my brain or was mentally disturbed. This was on account of some of the content of my reports, expounding on strange things I'd seen people do which, incidentally, are some of the very same methods that the F.B.I. and other entities practice.
Note:Over the years I tried several times to get a lawyer to go after Hoener or one of the other “Hoeners”, but they were always intimidated. I did finally get an interview with one from Kokomo a couple of years ago, but he doesn’t handle the type of cases I need worked. I contacted Joe Eddingfield a couple of years ago, but they never called back but once. If they don’t want to handle it, that is, of course, their choice, but I suspect that they were intimidated as well.
One of Hoener’s proxies was CIA, the one I was usually under, and another was U.S. Marshall, and I imagine Hoener is tied in with the U.S. Dept. of State, so they have their nefarious program tied in pretty well. But like Hoener told me once, “there’s always a trail somewhere”. It is also possible that someone is trying to make it look like the real Hoener’s the corrupt one.When it comes to intelligence work, you never really know until you really know. And even then, you can’t always be sure unless you’re really sure.
I saw Hoener a couple months ago, at McDonald’s in N. Manchester, him acknowledging me, and “BlackJack” at WalMart in Warsaw a month or so ago. I quit working there last Friday, August the 26th.


Beware of government agents or officers pulling stunts such as being intimidating. A trick, I believe a favorite one, of the FBI is to contrive a reason for spying/surveilling someone, doing things to intimidate, and when a person reacts unfavorably, they use that as an excuse to arrest them, further investigate or worse. Most agents hide behind a badge, a desk, a gun, a door and a guise. Cops will do that too at times, but the FBI is the worst as far as I know. They like to covertly harass people, especially those who dissent too strongly (for their liking) against unconstitutional practices, and then label them as subversive when they expose them or otherwise disrupt their tyrannical actions.
A little known trick they pull is to monitor telephone calls, and either imitate the target, the phone’s owner, or covertly harass/intimidate whoever calls that person, creating an alienation.



For some years now, F.B.I. people, and possibly Indiana State Police folks, have disseminated a falsehood that I have been active with them as a type of training agent, which is not true at all. I have been commissioned twice, to my knowledge, after returning to Indiana from Colorado in 1995, for very short times, by the Fort Wayne agency of the F.B.I.
Once, in or around 2006 or 2007, an agent from Fort Wayne stopped at my residence at 210 N. Church St., Roann, IN, informing me that I was being commissioned for a short time, for the purpose of determining certain people’s reactions and subsequent reactions. The feds were to let out that I was a commissioned agent, which they did, with my permission, and all I had to do was to observe and report anything abnormal. The other time time they called me and stated as such, which was but for an hour or so. Both times they called afterward to let me know I’d been decommissioned. Those instances were fine, but I think that one or another of the F.B.I. people have told people that I was commissioned when they never told me, which if true, gives them latitude by which to manipulate me.
One way they have harassed me by falsely telling people that I was/am a training agent, is they tell informers, cops, others, that I play the part of a culprit, and by them spying on me and harassing me, they can observe what a culprit does, how they react, methods they use to evade, etc. They may also tell trainees to spy on me as though I were an investigator, cop or agent, in preparation for them observing an actual cop, agent or other investigator. It’s hard to say what trainees are told. People and supervisors at places of employ have been told that I was there as an informer or investigator, and after a specified amount of time, it was okay for them to just let me go. Sometimes they’d tell my peers I was a criminal. What always happened while employed, was that I’d be coerced to make reports on certain activity. I’ve been let go for making reports on other employees, and I’ve been fired for NOT making reports on fellow workers. It is amazing how the feds and cops can manipulate even the criminal element. That is an instance of once I’m installed in a place to work, the authorities might spread that I’m an informer or undercover investigator, simply to gauge the actions and watch the activities of culprits. many possibilities there.
I’ve only knowingly been assigned to a couple of places to work undercover, which were two safe houses out west, to check things out for the F.B.I. Incidentally, in 1994, one was a safe house for the U.S. Marshals, and when they found out that I was with the F.B.I. and in their safe house, they weren’t very pleased. The Marshals somehow found out and verified it, which became a later black mark on the F.B.I., for lying later and saying they’d never heard of me.
As I’ve posted elsewhere, I was also a federal peace officer for short time. After being commissioned as an acting street agent for the F.B.I., I made one of Hoener’s superior’s mad and they voided the status, so Hoener, or Blackjack, made me a peace officer. Later, I was made a street agent again. According to Hoener, after that they discontinued the status of federal peace officer there, so I was the last one. I don’t know for sure on that. I also did a couple of things while in Colorado for the U.S. Marshals and the C.I.A.