1. If making a report to any of the investigative agencies (city, county, state or federal), always state that your involvement is of a reporting nature only, and that you want no further involvement. It has become standard procedure, at least in many areas, for the investigators to expect more and more information from you. Many will send some of their own informants out to harass or intimidate you, in order to keep you making reports, thereby keeping you on their informant roster. They do this in order to draw you in deeper and deeper. Many people are duped into becoming full time informants in this manner, and quite a few are constantly being brought up on charges, relieved only thru further “service”. One way that this is done is thru being constantly harassed, intimidated and threatened, finally having had enough and lashing out at the perpetrators, whom no one knows are actually informants. And no one ever tells. Those people are a group within the informant network, and many times are from a different location than the agency or department to which you originally reported, simply having been summoned by someone whom is from the location to which you actually reported.

      2. If you get to talking to someone, especially a stranger, and they seem to be keeping you standing there gabbing, be aware. Sometimes it is a ploy or a scam. Look around and be aware, especially if, by their position, it seems to be keeping your back to your home’s door, your car or a child you are watching. Many thefts and assaults are done using this method. Other times, the person may have just committed a crime, and wants a person whom can possibly furnish an alibi. I have also seen a situation where that person is a member of a team which is out scamming people, and wants at least one person to be seen talking to a respectable appearing person, whom the other team members will say is their supervisor (that ploy could be used when taking donations for a non existent charity or some such thing).

      3. Law enforcement sometimes uses vehicles from an impound yard, letting higher level or more trusted informants use them as well. That makes it very hard to pinpoint a particular person whom is harassing you or scoping out a property for a future theft or heist. I know of a particular case in Wabash, IN, where an older couple had around $5,000 worth of various items stolen from them, and it was done by a police officer’s informants. The police officer didn’t want to pursue it, and most of the items were never recovered. At least one of the culprits was later charged in another theft, but that didn’t help the older couple. Sometimes the FBI or state police will pursue a case such as that.

      4. Informants for the police are usually taught to “get in, get the info/evidence, and get the heck out”, so they’re usually in a hyped up hurry, whereas informants for federal agencies are generally more relaxed and smooth. In itself, that’s all good and well, but many or most informants are only being informants because they got caught committing a crime, and were offered an informant duty as a way to earn penance. Unfortunately, many of them use that duty as an opportunity to conduct scams and commit other crimes while in the process. Note that just because someone is in a hurry or hyped up doesn’t mean that they are an informant.

      5. EVERYTHING that is reported to the government eventually ends up in one large data base. This means that anyone with the right type of authority can gain access to that info, including dishonest people.

     6. Many, if not most or all, county and city police departments have an FBI agent attached to them, sometimes working closely with some of those officers, sometimes simply being on call as needed. Not every officer is always aware of a present FBI or other agent. If the agent is honest, that can be a deterrent to, or a solution to, police corruption. Remember, police officers are all but sworn to what is termed a blue wall of silence, meaning that cops don’t tell on other cops, usually no matter what.

      7. Many Confidential Informants are paid per conviction (more often than not cash), which gives dishonest ones a lot of incentive to unlawfully entrap, or even frame, other informants, criminals or at times honest citizens.

      8. The use of proxies (look alikes) is a general practice of police departments and federal agencies, both to imitate the law breaker, the investigating officer, and at times even the person whom reported the offence. That practice often endangers the person whom made the report, and is sometimes responsible for the innocent person being placed in a protection program, quite needlessly. If a person  reports something that certain government personnel do not want uncovered or taken care of, that practice is sometimes used by the unscrupulous to get rid of the whistle blower, sometimes permanently.

     A proxy is not always a look alike, however. Sometimes a proxy is a stand in for the original cop or agent whom received the report. You may make a report to Agent Jon Doe from the US Marshall’s Service, and having never met him, it could be another officer just using Jon Doe’s name. This practice is sometimes done to protect the identity of the real officer, due to his situation in other cases, and sometimes it is used in order to sweep the case under the rug, particularly if the culprit happens to be an officer or a valued informant.

     Another way in which look alikes are used is to impersonate someone whom was in the wrong place at the wrong time, overheard or seen something, reported it, and refuses to aid the government. If the culprits don’t know the person whom reported the crime, but are made aware of the fact, a look alike may be used as bait. That’s good and fine also, except when the innocent person is endangered.

      Our government often looks at it like thus: what is one or a few screwed up lives, in exchange for a major crime bust? I believe that one screwed up life is too many.

      9. The FBI usually doesn’t bother with drug cases unless it involves a lot of money, at least a million dollars or more, or unless it involves an armed robbery or is part of a major crime ring.

      10. Most investigators will place a person whom reports any fairly serious crime under surveillance for a short time, or do a quick background/reference check, just to be fairly certain that that person is not involved in crime also. Many criminals will report their rivals, in order to “eliminate the competition”. Even the mafia is known to resort to that, sometimes to get investigators off their back.

      11. Many, or most, cops have the mind set that, if you report someone for a crime, then you must be involved in crime also. Some commanders work to correct that mind set, but usually to no avail.    

      12. It’s always best to make a written report for anything that you submit to the government, especially the cops, because a lot of cops don’t take the time to hear the whole story, sometimes not paying attention to details. Be sure to include all details concerning the situation, anything extra that you noticed, even if it doesn’t seem relevant to the situation; many times it proves to be. Also, you should always make a copy of anything that you submit to the government, so if ever called to question later, you can prove what you had previously submitted. Plus, memory doesn’t always serve one as precisely as we would like.

      13. If complaining to an officer’s, or other official’s, superior, does no good, you can always go to an internal affairs officer. The biggest problem with that though, is that a lot of internal affairs officers are in that job, because they themselves were caught doing wrong, and thus were put into that position so that they could catch other dirty cops. If it’s a serious enough problem, the FBI will sometimes look into it and take action.

      14. Every investigator has their own group, or network, of informants, both regular and casual. A regular informant is one whom knowingly reports things to the police, and usually to a certain one, and may be a paid informant. A casual informant is one whom may not even know that they are being used as an informant. That can be as simple a thing as someone asking you about such and such a person. It can be a one time thing or it can be a regular occurrence. If it’s a really good informant or investigator, you never know what they are. They can be disguised as nearly anything; a salesman, a passerby, a delivery man, just about anything.

      The only real concern about that is when the privilege is abused. Sometimes, a dishonest informant will set his sources up to be the scapegoat if the “target” finds out that they’re being watched and reported to the authorities. Other times, someone from the criminal element will make themselves out to be an informant for the police, gaining information about someone in order to rob them or do something to them. If you think that you have been used for an illicit purpose and are concerned, a phone call to the local police investigators will usually solve the problem, as they have a good check & balance system.

      Most every informant network overlaps into other informant networks, both government and criminal. It is very hard to hide one’s outward activities from either side. That can be good or that can be bad, depending upon one’s motives and activities. Remember, there are those people whom will not hesitate to kill someone if they even think that they’re being informed on.

      Many networks have an overseer (either government or civilian) whom is responsible for delving out information to the lower level informants, and thus controls or directs who does what and goes where, as far as cases go. Some actually control a major part of even the informants’ personal lives. This is the case with both law enforcement and criminal informant networks. At times, it is hard to tell the two apart.

      15. Many informants get away with a lot of petty crime, because their overseer and/or handler cover for them. The mind set with a lot of them, both civilian and law enforcement is, that the end justifies the means used.

      16. The use of disguise is practiced extensively by both the government and the criminal element, mostly investigators and informants, rather than the straight line cops. Much of it is done by various body postures, facial expressions, mannerisms, attire, much acting, etc., rather than by wigs, fake facial hair, make up and the like.

      17. According to statistics, about 1/3 of the people in prison are innocent of any crime.

      18. It is very difficult to remain under cover indefinitely. Sooner or later, most all covers are blown. Somebody says the wrong thing, someone does a thorough check of suspected people, something always happens.

      19. If you are an informant, an investigator, a victim or even a totally normal, every day person, and people start calling you by a different name than what your name is, start hinting around about you relocating, or dropping hints that you are in danger, be aware. It usually doesn’t happen to a person whom is uninvolved in law enforcement or crime, but if those things happen, there is a strong possibility that the US Marshalls, the FBI or the CIA, is considering placing you in a witness protection program. It is advised to talk to someone if anything like this occurs.

     The US Marshalls have the most extensive program, which is voluntary even if you are in grave danger, according to a couple of US Marshalls with whom I conferred, whom have been in charge of those programs in their jurisdictions. They are usually required to ask, rather than just snatch someone, and if you say no, that means no. If someone does enter into one of those programs, they can still leave at any time they wish. There may also be another agency or two which have protection programs, but it is very secretive if they do. Some of the criminal organizations also have a change of identity program, and may prey upon informants and others, under the guise of being government, in order to snatch or lure  people away for their own agenda.

      20. Always ask to see identification if someone approaches you and starts asking questions such as an officer of the law or a private investigator would ask. The last I knew, not every state has a license to be a private investigator, though the vast majority of them do. That may have changed since 9/11.

      21. Informants and undercovers sometimes use “dead” social security numbers. These are numbers which have either once been assigned to a person now dead, and not yet reassigned, or perhaps have never been assigned to anyone.

      22. Beware of newly found acquaintences whom seek your help due to people harassing or intimidating them, but don’t want the police involved, and/or only want you to help them in a certain way. Often, that is a ploy to draw you into some kind of subversive or bizarre organization. Other times it is in order to draw you into one of the covert government, or criminal, organizations. Bear in mind, that nowadays, any organized group which speaks against government policy, even when the policy is wrong, is likely to be labeled anti government, subversive or even terroristic. Nonetheless, we the people are guaranteed the right to gather, discuss, disagree, protest and take legal action against what we disagree with.

      23. One simple way to detect if what someone is feeding you is a scam, is thru simple questioning and reasoning. Once you start that, many con artists will simply leave.

      24. Believe it or not, cops and officials in the various law enforcement agencies will have their informants commit crimes under your observance, and if you don’t report it, will try to get you arrested for not reporting a crime. This is a catch 22 for those whom they are trying to turn into informants. But it stands to simple logic; if they know about it, why did not they do something about it? My answer is, it is a case of police negligence.

      25. The FBI used to use a device which, when hard wired into a surveillance target’s telephone line, mechanically recorded each dialed telephone number, onto a little meter, like an odometer. Rarely used now, it has been replaced by more sophisticated, electronic devices. There is now a commercially available (to anyone) device which listens to the beeps from each button on a keypad, deciphers it, and records those numbers on a screen. It can do this, because each tone on a keypad is a little bit different. The device can be hard wired, or it could be used in conjunction with a “bug”. Seeing as how some banks and companies have you punch in your credit card number when making a transaction or purchase, this is one way in which unscrupulous people could obtain an individual’s card numbers and/or contacts. I say individuals, because while recently consulting with a security expert from a major internet security company, he assured me that on a mass scale, even thru the internet by experienced hackers, the threat was minimal. It would have to be done on an individual basis. When doing transactions over the internet, everything entered is encrypted/scrambled in such a way, that even if a transmission is intercepted, all that the hacker obtains is a jumbled up set of numbers/letters. But it is still a potential threat by people within a home or business, anytime that someone has access to telephone lines. He didn’t say that it was totally impossible, but those people are constantly doing research & development on techniques to keep the internet, banks and telephone systems secure. Incidentally, according to the FBI, 95% of illegal wiretaps & bugs are from civilian sources. Industrial espionage is a major problem; one business stealing secrets from another, trying to destroy another business, etc.
     Did you, the reader, understand how this can work? I've explained this to several other people, civilians, and they understood perfectly. So why is it, when I called the company which is responsible for securing Wells Fargo Bank's computer/transaction systems, several people I explained it to, including a manager, couldn't comprehend what I was saying? Makes me rest really easy knowing that billions of dollars' security is in those peoples' hands.

      26. One thing which the CIA trains some of it’s operatives in, is industrial espionage. The CIA is expert in undermining foreign governments and powers, and undermining a business, even a large business, could, at times, be a picnic to them, if the business isn’t secure enough.

     27. When reporting corrupt cops/agents/officials, many times the word gets back to them before any investigating is done, or rather, in lieu of. Just as buddies in the civilian world cover for each other, so do buddies in the government world. Not always, but sometimes. With government in particular, they don’t always see things in black & white.

      28. Many law enforcement agencies have taken to checking out reports by calling the person whom has been reported, which usually gives away the person whom initiated the report. I have even known of police dispatchers to routinely do this. That’s not always bad, but it can foil an important case, no matter who engages in that practice. The excuse is, that the agencies are short handed on investigators, which is likely true, but it is sometimes just an excuse.

      29. There are informants (and non informants) whom twist Bible verses in order to condone ripping people off.

      30.  Many informants whom are thrown in with the CIA or the FBI, are “introduced” to the mafia or other criminal organizations thru the informant work and, once the stint is over with, end up going with that criminal organization.

      31. Although there are too many laws in some areas, many of the traffic laws, and especially driving tips and procedures contained in driving manuals, are not only common sense, but can be life savers. For example, tips which prompt to always be aware of what is going on all around us on the road. One way in which a traffic accident is purposely orchestrated, in order to kill or maim someone, is done as such: the target pulls up to a traffic light at a 4-way intersection, with a semi-tractor trailer right beside that car in the other lane. It works best if the target car is the second 4-wheeled vehicle waiting to proceed thru the intersection, and the truck driver is either part of the scheme, or else a distraction is implemented in order to delay the truck taking off to proceed thru the intersection. Timing is everything on this attempt at murder, because the vehicle approaching from the target vehicle’s blind side has to be inside a certain perimeter within the intersection at just the right time, give or take a second or two. The margin of error is about the same amount of time that it takes from the target vehicle’s impact point becoming visible to the ram vehicle’s driver, to the time that the target vehicle’s impact point just crosses a certain point between the two sets of lanes.

     For maximum effectiveness and efficiency, several factors must be in place. Firstly, all of the participants must be artful liars, obviously, although, if the attending cops are part of it, that factor is not quite as critical, and if lawyers and judges are a part of it, that factor becomes even less critical. Secondly, it has to be made certain that the target vehicle does not notice the vehicle which is about to ram into him. That can be accomplished by a distraction on the side opposite the point of impact, such as a loud horn, a fight, etc. The distraction also keeps other people in and near the intersection from noticing the ram vehicle. Thirdly and fourthly, the ram vehicle must be a vehicle which will be sturdy enough to keep the driver from being injured, at least seriously, and; there has to be a believable explanation as to why the ram vehicle’s driver did not even slow down for the red light. These two factors can be met by; either a large vehicle or a beefed up, normal sized vehicle, preferably equipped with extra strong and well padded safety belts or harnesses, and; the driver of the ram vehicle needs an excuse, such as being a diabetic and having had a spell, for example. Fifth, the target vehicle’s weak points and crash results characteristics must be exploited or, in other words, the point of impact must be at a spot which will insure injury of a serious nature, or death, to the driver of the target vehicle. Sixth, it usually has to be worked out beforehand, that the driver of the ram vehicle will not go to prison, at least not for a long time. In cases of the mafia orchestrating this scheme, that means either payoff to lawyers and/or judges, or maybe the driver really screwed up, and was given a choice of doing that, or being killed, and maybe the driver wouldn’t fare too badly in court. Life in the mob is of that type of nature.

     At first glance, this ploy may seem a bit far fetched, but in reality, it can be done with a very clinical, or scientific, approach. Stuntmen crash cars all the time without sustaining serious injuries, sometimes with very few modifications to the vehicle. Race car and demolition derby drivers learn how to beef up a vehicle to endure a lot of punishment. People learn how to lie very effectively, especially for money or when seriously threatened and scared. Distractions are very easy to enact. Although this particular scheme may seem elaborate, it is really child’s play to people whom do things like that, especially compared to some of the schemes which we read about in the newspapers. An FBI agent once told me that over one quarter of all murders in the United States go unsolved. A CIA operative once told me that there are better ways to kill someone than with a gun or knife. And I know also, that there are many more murders (and suicides) conducted than what is ever revealed in the newspapers.

     Not to give all of the credit to criminal organizations for engaging in acts like described above. Some of our government personnel are also taught how to commit stunts like this. The days of murdering exclusively with a weapon are long gone.

      32. Any martial artist whom receives a black belt, is required to register with the government, or is automatically registered by the instructor. The U.S. Government keeps track of anyone and everyone whom is lethal. People whom have been in the military and have certain skills are checked up on from time to time as well.

      33. This is a really good one, and would be hilarious if the culprits weren’t so serious about it. We all take for granted that, when you buy an item from someone, whatever it may be, and especially an item which has a title or some other proof of ownership, that it belongs to us, free and clear. But there are people whom, once the item is paid for and any necessary paperwork taken care of, think that you are somehow beholden to them or at their beck and call if needed. Some criminals are thus minded, and so are some people whom work for or are connected with the government.                                                                                                                    The owner of this website bought a pickup truck some years ago, from a civilian individual, whose mother was a reserve deputy sheriff, and whom had originally obtained the truck from the State of Indiana Highway Department. It was nothing more than that guy wanted to sell his truck, an old wood hauler, and Slee needed a truck and had the $500 selling price. I understand, though, that the guy emphasized that his mother worked for the government, the meaning not clear to Slee at the time. As it came to pass, one of the Indiana State Troopers told his informants, or else his informants said he told them, that Slee was obligated to inform for them or something, because he bought a vehicle which once belonged to the government. I don’t remember exactly what Slee told the cop, but it wasn’t likely something that ought to be put on a world wide page, as he was a bit rougher ten or twelve years ago than he normally is now.

     I know another guy whom bought an old motorcycle from a friend of his, whom was involved with one or another of the mafia type groups, and it was the same way with that situation. The seller’s confidants thought that the guy who bought it owed both them and the selling guy some kind of servitude or something, just because he bought a bike which was once owned by someone whom frequented their organization. That didn’t make it very far, either.

     So the moral of this story is, when you buy something from someone, make the deal sure, and take into consideration the cultural belief of the people with whom you are dealing. In a severe case like that, I suppose that it would be beneficial to find a neutral person of that particular race or culture, and get them to intercede and cause the sellers to see the light, so to speak. Either that, or, like the two guys above, tell the miscreants in no uncertain terms, what the real deal is, and maybe let someone in authority know about it, just in case.

      34. If someone is out to get you at your home, they may cause some commotion outside, in order to draw you out into the darkness (or maybe during the day). They may do that several times, in order to see what your reactions and defensive (or offensive) moves are. If you have a dog which alerts you of things, it’s pretty easy for them to cause a ruckus, although, most people are leery of doing that to people whom maintain a guard type dog, especially if neither you nor the dog set any noticeable pattern, such as you always tie the dog off at ten o’clock, or you always make your final rounds in the same sequence.

     Another reason that someone may do that, is just to see what your pattern is, in order that they may rob you more easily. Unpredictability, dogs and guns are good crime deterrents.

      35. As notorious as some of the biker gangs are, some of them are affiliated with some of the police forces, and do report certain crimes to them, and keep tabs on certain people for them. Some cops practice a theme of, “let me know about certain things, and I’ll look the other way about certain things you do”. To a degree, that happens with most cops, even the most honest. Unfortunately, some of the dishonest cops use that type of situation to maintain a small force of thugs in order to terrorize people.

      36. If you have dogs, especially guard or watch type dogs, your enemies may do things to antagonize the dogs, such as throwing things, walking past menacingly, making certain sounds, etc., in order to get them to barking a lot, and then report you for having dogs which disturb the peace, hoping to get the dogs taken away, so that they can more easily rob your place or assault you. Some people will even go so far as to tread on your premises, maybe after several occasions of antagonizing your dogs, and let the dog(s) bite them, in order to sue you or have the authorities take them. Sometimes it backfires and they get bit worse than what they intended.

     It is good to become familiar with laws pertaining to dogs, especially if you have guard type dogs. It doesn’t always take much of a bite for the law or a lawyer to get after you. That is one reason why it is important to make reports if you catch someone teasing your dog or trying to make friends with it.

      37. There are dishonest investigators from any investigative agency, including city, county and state police, FBI, CIA, DEA, ATF, U.S. Marshalls, private investigators, and others, whom will misuse people that report crime out of concern for their community, by spreading around that the person is involved in crime. It is done under the guise of affording that person some “protection” or cover, so that the bad guys won’t know who it was that reported them, but in reality, it is just a slick means of attempting to “recruit” that person as a regular informant. Any kind of operation in which a civilian is needed to aid the officers in an undercover sting, will be an up front deal. In other words, the person will be approached by an officer, whom will ask for that person’s help, and explain everything in detail, noting that it is simply a one time deal. Anything else is not legitimate. And the only time that a person can be more or less “forced” to aid the authorities, is in the case of that person being caught committing a crime, and given an opportunity to aid the authorities, in lieu of going to jail, or for a possibility of a reduced sentence. That is in the Constitution of the United States of America. (This does not include being drafted during times of war).                                                                                Incidentally, during some undercover work, some informants tried to make me believe that there was an actual, covert draft instituted. I called the State Department (located at Washington, D.C., and asked them. The answer, no such thing was occurring).

      38. They usually won’t admit it, but the federal investigative agencies have very good caller id, as do many, if not most, of the state and local law enforcement agencies. It would be almost absurd to think that they didn’t, seeing as how they are nearly all ties in with one another, both operational wise and electronic wise.

      39. Most telephone taps on land line phones are done at the local telephone station building than an actual hard wire, although by now, they can likely be done via a computer, depending upon how modern the area telephone systems are.

     Ten years ago, any civilian could buy a fax machine which had a function for remote checkup on your home or office. You punched in a code on that program, and when you were away from home, you called your fax machine and punched in that code, and could listen to anything that was going on within “earshot” of your fax machine. An FBI agent told me that the KGB were taught how to go to the t.v. wiring on the outside of a person’s home, perform a simple bit of wiring modification, and turn the t.v. into a listening device. We can only imagine what the capabilities are now, in the age of computers.

      40. A lot of drug dealers and other criminals will speak innuendos and hints when around people whom they don’t know very well and whom they may suspect of being an under cover officer or informant, implications which lead one to believe that they are operating a drug dealing (or other type of) front for law enforcement, when really they are not. Then again, much of the time the drug dealing ring is overseen by the police, though not directly, as the operators are pretty much on their own except when the handler stops in to check up on them. The reasoning is, that the police are trying to catch the bigger culprits. Sometimes they do, sometimes it is nothing more than a guise and a way for crooked cops to make extra money.

      41. There are several cops whom operate in Wabash County, whom, according to several, reputable people, have orchestrated break ins at homes and businesses themselves. One way they have accomplished it, is when an alarm goes off and they are called, it’s easy for them to break a window or something, walk in, steal cash or some valuables before the owner arrives, and take the report once the owner initiates a quick inventory.

     Things like that are not peculiar to any certain county or state. The news is always reporting things like that.

      42. Law enforcement (to include city, county, state and federal) makes full use of casual informants.

     A casual informant is a person whom is being used as an informant, but has no idea that they are an informant. This can be anything from normal, everyday conversation or gossip at the local coffee shop, to chatting at work, to the top level business executive whom discusses people and business which is conducted at the work place. Unless a person lives in a box, it is nearly impossible to never be used as a casual informant. When the info is used rightly, I see it as an acceptable practice, and not something that could be stopped anyhow.

     One way that the practice is abused, however, by dishonest people, is if things go wrong (as they almost always do, sooner or later) and the people whom are the subject of the investigation find out that they are being checked out, and figure out or find out, who the casual informant(s) are. When that happens, the unknowing casual informant may be tagged as the actual regular informant, which may place them in some serious danger. Depending upon the severity of the situation, that person may be asked, or may be pressured or coerced, to become a regular informant, in order to “promote their safety”. If the situation is severe, the person may be asked to go into a witness protection program, or simply told that they have to. According to several U.S. Marshalls in charge of those programs, a person may legally only be asked to allow protection, and if they do, they “may leave the program at any time they wish”.

     Any given area’s local coffee shops or other gathering places are prime fields for spies and informants cultivating information, as are the work places, clubs, anywhere that people freely gather to converse, usually while in the process of doing activities.

     The reason that virtually anywhere is a potentially prime area for gathering information, is that common info plays a large and important function in the intelligence and investigation fields; names, addresses, telephone numbers, hobbies, interests, viewpoints, associates, friends, family members, favorite places to eat, you name it. In the cases of real criminals being caught, of course that is good. But not only does law enforcement and other government agencies have informants, but the criminal element as well. Another reason that certain areas are prime fields, is that unscrupulous informants, cops, agents, and spies will use not only facts, but gossip, in order to manipulate people.

     It is next to impossible to never be used as a casual informant, but it is generally harmless, if a person lives right, pretty much keep to themselves, and is not very outspoken about certain views.

      43. The CIA has been conducting experiments, and using techniques, for many years involving behavior modification methods of many types, otherwise known as mind control. That type of theme has also been adapted by many other government agencies, and has filtered down to even the local law enforcement agencies. Much of it is similar to big business using certain techniques in order to draw people into buying their product, but it is much more deeply involved than that, and actually is intended to totally change peoples’ way of thinking, thus their doings.

     The people from North Vietnam whom, during the Vietnam War, spread about that American soldiers were there to destroy their way of life and kill the innocent, were using a form of mind control. The high brass from the American government whom inflated the number of enemy killed, were using a form of mind control in order to intimidate and destabilize the enemy government and people. A severe form of mind control was used by the North Vietnamese when they killed resistors, tortured others, kidnapped sons and daughters and forced them to serve, and twisted the peasants’ minds thru starvation, beatings, and  constant and repeated indoctrination. The American government used a form of mind control over the American people, when they denied that there was a war going on over there, and once it was found out, simply called it a conflict.

      44. If making a written report to any government entity, especially a report involving crime, and most especially if it involves any crime or corruption of government personnel or associates, make a copy of it for yourself, and be sure to have whoever receives it to validate that you submitted it. If by phone, try to obtain a recording device so that every word spoken can be validated by you. Many states allow recording either a conversation if one of the people being recorded is in on the conversation, or making a video tape without sound, but not both.

      45. The biggest difference between an undercover officer and an informant, is a badge. The officers have obviously received more training, but some informants have more experience in certain matters, especially if going from, for example, being an FBI informant to a police informant. Some of the more senior or experienced informants are sometimes given more precedence than police officers or agents.

      46. Police forces and agencies, including even the FBI, sometimes have such a case load, that they “subcontract” some cases to private investigators, other police agencies, even informants.

      47. There is a particular stunt that I have seen, very seductively evil. It probably originated with the CIA, but again, much of their methodology and agenda has filtered down to the lower agencies; i.e., cops, especially since the CIA has personnel everywhere. This particular stunt, I’m not sure if it is one means of population control solely, or if it is to simply undermine certain person’s morals and scruples which, ultimately, has a devastating effect on all of society. I do know, that whistle blowers especially, are subjected to this.

     Jon likes Jane, starts talking to her, asks her out on a date. From here, there are two different sub methods used, depending. If Jane is not an informant or undercover whom was sent to specifically attract Jon, a few select people are sent to meet Jane, and if they can’t discourage her from liking Jon in any other way, she is told that Jon is gay, violent, a child molester, a wanted fugitive, whatever it takes to discourage her, but telling her that he is gay seems to be one of the most favorite, because then it is easier for them to follow up with ostracizing Jon as far as normal friendships and other relationships. They then have a gay male try to hook up with Jon, first just as a friend or buddy, and later, as time progresses, try to involve Jon in a gay relationship. If Jon is caught in some crime, maybe stealing or smoking pot, they may give him a choice: jail or our way. More often than not, they will send a string of women to show an interest in Jon, only to suddenly dump him, maybe after purposely making Jon disgusted and dumping them, only to then spread around that Jon is gay, and so he showed no interest in any of them. There are people whom are involved in a gay relationship because of this very thing. Or it may be a very lascivious, heterosexual relationship, or a string of them. There are many, many scams.

     Another way in which people are manipulated and tricked, forced, coerced or pressured to become involved in a homosexual relationship, is to become the target of the mob’s recruiting efforts. If you have certain attributes and talents and the mob wants you, they can make life hectic and almost unbearable for those whom refuse to join them. But most of them reportedly just absolutely hate homosexuals. You can use your imagination to figure out how crooked people could manipulate someone into becoming gay.

     Personally, that is just one of many reasons why I believe that it is important to get well grounded in a strong set of morals.       

      48. Both government and non government entities use what is called agents of disinformation. This is simply people whom spread lies, half truths and falsehoods in order to manipulate people and cause their thinking to sway in a certain direction, maybe only temporarily, such as during an election or investigation.

     Sometimes there are no lies told, but rather, the truth is told but with a twisted sequence of events, for example. Or in other cases, the agent of disinformation may just deny a truth or set of truths, truthful accusations if you will, instead of telling a lie.

     The agent of disinformation may also tell the same story, but in a different way each time, so as to confuse people.

     The term agent of disinformation does not mean that the person is an agent or other officer, necessarily. It only infers to the medium thru which the information is relayed. When an agent of disinformation is used, it may be on a small or a large scale, but a certain goal or purpose is sought.

      49. The mob, and other criminal elements, have, and sometimes maintain, their own set of lawyers and private investigators which they use. They also have cops and other officials which are on the take, whom do their bidding.

      50. Sometimes when you make a report to certain government entities, especially the FBI, they will tell you that there is nothing which they can do, unless you are willing to get involved. I’m sure that such is the case under certain circumstances, but I have seen the FBI (and others) use that as a follow up to covert harassment, and a prelude to their “recruitment” pitch.

     If it is a situation in which the only way to resolve the problem is for you to help them, I would make it clearly understood that it is a one time deal, try to get an estimated time frame, find out in advance what is required by you, let them know of anything that you are not willing to do, and try to get it all in writing, because as a general rule, the government does not honor verbal agreements(much of the time they don’t honor written agreements-one example is never honoring any of the treaties with the Native Americans; as I understand, not one). If it’s a big enough deal, I’d have a lawyer privy to the situation, one that you can trust with your life. Not everything can be reasonably predicted, of course, but a basic set of guidelines should be agreeable with them. As far as I know, the FBI people are pretty morally inclined, when at all possible, and some of them will not trade their moral convictions for anything. If you were caught by the FBI in the commission of a crime, and given a chance to lessen your charge or even have it dropped, you’re not in a real advantageous position of bargaining, so good luck.

     The government cannot make you be an informant, and they cannot legally pressure you to, unless you have been caught red handed in a crime, and given a chance to aid them in apprehending other law breakers or criminals. Otherwise it is unlawful conscription, according to the Constitution of the United States of America. I was once told, by some criminally oriented informants, that there was a secret draft going on. So I called the State Department at Washington, D.C. to ask them. The answer was no, there is no draft going on. What some of them do, is to misinterpret certain laws and rules. Once the big boys found out, those people found themselves in some very hot water.

      51. If you are planning on pursuing a career of any extensiveness, either part time or full time, in the field of investigating, if you can, I would suggest using an alias name, and you can register a cell phone in an alias name, as well as working around things in other areas. In certain fields of investigating, I consider it best to operate mostly up front, and almost always did, with only a few exceptions, although in other areas, a “working name” would be better.

     Always check the laws for your state as pertaining to things of this nature. I do believe that in any state, one may use any name they choose, as long as you do not try to get government issued id in the alias name, in which case it is illegal and could be construed as a major offense.

      52. Even though the brunt of these tips pertain to corruption in government, which really makes it the same, if not worse, than criminal acts committed by non government people, as I’ve already mentioned, the criminal enterprises have roughly the same capabilities in most areas as the government. And there are many overt and covert acts orchestrated by the criminal element, to purposely make it look like the government, thus casting a bad shadow upon them.

      53. There are those people in government whom appear to truly believe that they have exclusive rights to certain things, some even to the point of monopolizing those things. Some of those things are self defense measures such as firearms, guard dogs, martial arts and people with those skills, certain technical skills and knowledge, especially computers and science. Dishonest personnel will strive to use those people for government applications, and if they cannot gain them, oftentimes they will try to ruin them by orchestrating situations in which they are not able to utilize their skills for civilian applications.

      54. Cell phones are very easy to eavesdrop on. They can be tuned into with a police scanner, and some of the higher grade c.b. radios can also tune in to them.  There are even devices manufactured specifically for that purpose and sold on the civilian market. Land line phones are much harder to tap, and require a warrant in order to do so legally, at least in order to hold up in court.

      55. Never talk about any valuables that you may have while at work or in other public places, especially right outside work place doors and at night. That is a prime place for eavesdroppers and electronic listening devices.

      56. There has been a growing trend in law enforcement, amongst both officers and informants, to let crime happen, under the guise of finding out who all is involved. This is especially prevalent in cases of someone higher up the echelon directing the lower members of a crime ring or network.
     The practice is corrupt, because the victims rarely, if ever, are compensated for what they lose. And I have seen it time and time again, where the culprits are never even punished. What has happened is, many of the culprits are simply inducted into the informant network, and the excuses are always the same: investigations take time; we’re trying to get the bigger culprits; our jails are already overcrowded; and when the culprits are discovered, they just hire some slick lawyer and either bribe someone, pay some fines and walk, or the case gets thrown out.

     57. Even though personal information is legally supposed to be confidential, such as at banks and utility companies, when law enforcement has contacts within those companies, they often obtain the information about people’s accounts and personal history, which is illegal without a warrant, but they simply do not try to use that information in a court of law when going against criminals. The real problem is when government personnel obtain information and use it to disrupt the lives of people whom disagree with certain policies of the government and are publicly open about it. It takes a federal warrant to obtain information about a person from their bank or the post office.

     58. If a dishonest officer or agent with whom you strongly and openly disagree about certain policies can’t find any crime or dirt on you, and you are an informant or investigator, they will let people know that you have reported them, if they are able to find out. People like that are known to collect and store information for years, about certain people, for just such a happening.

     59. There are many more murders and suicides than ever are publicly recorded.

     60. I have seen many, many instances of cops manipulating information from and circumstances of, people whom are good investigators and/or informants, in order to keep them making reports, and after so long, trying to make the person believe that they have to keep on checking things out and reporting the info to them. A great many people are misused.

     61. The police forces are getting more and more like the military all the time, especially equipment wise. Some of the county and city police even have night vision goggles or other devices, infra red devices, military type weapons such as the M-16 rifle, and gas masks. In the event of foreign invasion or anarchy type of insurrections that’s all good and fine, but…here are two catch 22’s; whenever law enforcement goes to enforce laws, even if the laws are ridiculous or even contrary to the constitution, their explanation is, “we’re just doing our job and following orders”, and, with much of the government and many naïve civilians pushing for an anti gun society, kind of makes you wonder what is around the corner.
     In other words, the police forces are gearing up for the worst possible scenario, what with the points just mentioned above plus the police taking all kinds of training which was once reserved for the military, yet the same government which is enabling them to be more prepared is trying to take away all means of self defense and protection for the masses.

     62. Sometimes the FBI will investigate and punish corrupt cops, agents, officers, etc., but sometimes instead, a few will, if they can manage to keep the situation under wraps, orchestrate a reign of terror against the whistle blower, whether civilian or government, if not kill them. Remember, as someone once told me, there are many better ways of killing someone than shooting them.
     Whomever coined the phrase “the pen is mightier than the sword” most assuredly knew what he was talking about. Other than in all out war or revolution, we the people’s greatest weapon against corruption is public exposure and knowledge of right and wrong according to the constitution. The police will tell a woman that if she is ever about to get mugged or assaulted in any way, to yell rape, which thing I’m sure is very effective. Likewise, when someone is about to get violated in other ways, other than a physical assault, it’s time to yell.
     Sometimes it’s best to use discretion when exposing wrongs, while other times it’s simply time to show. But when and if you do, be certain that you have your package together. Have the proof or at least reasonable doubt as to the perpetrator’s scruples, especially if the perp is any kind of government worker or influential person. Have it checked out. And if you unlawfully entrap or frame someone, may God help your soul.  

      63. If you have a computer, get the best set up for protection against hackers that you can afford, especially if it is connected to internet. Supposedly, unless it is connected to internet, nobody can hack into it, but I have read in a computer book, that you can send and receive email without being connected to the internet, which means it can be hacked.
     If you have a cell phone, make sure that it is safe against hackers, especially if it can be used to access the internet. This is the age of technology.

     64. I worked on a case in Wabash, IN, which not only proved to be a big scam, but turned into a major travesty of law enforcement. And at the time of this writing, it is still occurring.   
     The victim patronized a video shop in Wabash named Video Unlimited to rent movies on a regular basis, and in the process, started talking to a female employee, whom just happened to be blonde, and tried a couple of times to date her, but to no avail. He asked her out twice, and left it at that. In due time, an ex girlfriend’s friend from Peru, IN, a brunette, started going there, looking for another recruit for probably the CIA, which brunette also had dealings with the Indiana State Police, maybe just one individual officer. As it goes with that sort of thing, the employee was discouraged from associating with the victim, and ended up falling for the ploy. A short time after this, maybe a couple of months, the victim walks in the video store to find a different blonde, wearing the name tag of the original blonde. He simply told her that the other one had best be back in the store the next time she was scheduled to work, and she was.   
     Due to this, I reported the matter, once it came to my attention, to the FBI whose office was in another state, as I had been keeping touch with them for a number of years, on other, but related, matters. After a few days or a week, I observed some shady characters watching the place, whose faces I knew. So I called the U.S. Marshall’s from south of our jurisdictional line, and briefed one of them on the matter, requesting that she be watched for her safety, just in case, but watched over only, nothing more. Well, the original blonde disappeared for a couple of weeks, and was very tight lipped about what had went on. When the FBI agent found out whom I had talked to, not only the Marshalls but the Indiana State Police, he was a bit angry. Seems the gal had been involved in some corrupt dealings before the victim came on the scene. The victim became a victim, because he started being followed and spied on by the employee and her counterparts, and was also cost several jobs over the next few years on account of her.           

     Several months later, the original blonde gave the store a two weeks notice of quitting, but was fired after one week or less. The manager said that she had been doing some wrongful things, but wouldn’t elaborate. It is common practice for covert agency handlers to get the “recruit” to engage in wrong practices. That not only places them more under their control, but also provides a cover. The other blonde, I found out during this time, was involved with certain gang members, and is still operating. She either works for or with a covert agency of the U.S. Government, or at least has access to confidential reports, and misuses them.

     Scams and schemes from those kind of people are varied and many. But they all have two things in common; secrecy and dishonesty. The secrecy part extends well beyond keeping the public from knowing about their activities, it also goes so far as to keep the members of the same group from knowing either what the activities of other members are, or keeps the purpose of other members’ activities hidden from one another. The dishonesty part is not always easy to detect, because sometimes those people do not always lie per say, but rather, they may twist the sequence of events of activities or use a play on words. For example, Jon asks Joe, “Do you know Jane?” Joe doesn’t know Jane very well, much less intimately, so he says no. He may know that Jon meant does he know who Jane is, but uses a play on words due to a diversity of definition to lie or evade the truth. 

     It really is the small, detailed things which often make or break a case or situation.

     Concerning the above situation, as it turned out, a number of blondes ended up engaging in some very covert activities, all bad.  Some of them meant well, but were lied to as to what was really going on. In this case, they and some government overseers had ties with police, FBI, CIA, DEA, the mob, U.S.Marshalls, and a few other entities. They have used intimidation and fear tactics in order to get their way, and even to recruit. Legitimate cases have been thrown, the public has been bilked, and innocent people may have also been covertly and craftily murdered. Those people have even infiltrated churches, and seduced many of them to take part in covert and questionable activities, especially in the area of relations with fellow man.       


      The really sad thing is, that when certain things happen, more and more laws are made, when all that is really needed, is for the existing laws to be enforced, and more important and effective yet, people just need to practice some moral guidelines towards others, that is, ethics.   

     65. There are “plain clothes” military personnel whom operate in civilian society, just as there are “plain clothes” cops. Sometimes they are looking for AWOL soldiers or deserters. Other times, we’ll probably never know what they are up to.

     66. Military special forces soldiers, especially the army green berets, are taught how to wage psychological warfare, which is a form of  attrition. I have seen it used against innocent civilians, even the masses, usually only by soldiers turned cop, agent or operative turned corrupt, and those to whom it is taught. They generally reserve that for those whom go after their corruption.
     If you see strange, unexplainable things going on, but you know that it is actions that people are doing, check it out. Try to determine if there are any former special forces members on the local police forces, whether city, county, state or federal.  If it is a serious enough matter, a telephone call to the military or Department of Defense will sometimes resolve the issue.
     Do beware, because special forces and CIA operatives are taught numerous ways in which to kill or maim people. They can do things such as filling light bulbs with gunpowder, which blow up when electricity is put to it, and they are taught various ways of sneaking up on people and how to subdue dogs silently, if they can.

     67. Some of the militias and far out “constitutioner” groups will resort to sales of illegal guns and drugs when the money gets tight. They are also known to use threat of force in order to gain members.

     68. When a corrupt undercover cop, agent or operative is infiltrated into a crime ring, they have been known to abuse the situation by getting people knocked off or hurt, people whom they do not like, whom have nothing to do with that situation.

     69. At times, undercover investigations are kept so tight and of a close lipped nature, absolutely nobody involved knows what any of the other people are doing or why. For certain types of investigations, that is the best way to conduct it, provided that the guy in charge knows what everybody involved is doing, and as long as nobody spills the beans. However, that is also a fertile field for an agency such as the CIA to use agents of disinformation, and other means, to completely throw the whole thing in total disarray. It is also a fertile field for very sevret murders, either from without the investigation network or from within.

     70. The present day mafia owns many legitimate businesses, which are still sometimes used as fronts for crime, up to and including murder. One major way in which one of these businesses are used as a front is to gather information either on civilians for robberies, or on law enforcement personnel and operations, in order to more effectively commit crime.

     71. Even the FBI has a heart at times. Some years ago an unknown man came to me, and told me of two mobsters whom had been tried, convicted and imprisoned for crimes that they did not commit. Somehow he had heard of me, and when I was reluctant to help, he reminded me that I had always said that I couldn’t stand seeing people wrongfully imprisoned. So I took the names and relayed the information to the FBI for him. It took some time, but after close to a year, they were freed. The FBI commented that those particular two guys weren’t really too bad, at least for mobsters.

     72. Some investigators have the mind set, that once they think that you have committed a crime, that you have to prove yourself innocent. That’s another way in which people are unjustly recruited for informant work. The fact is, a person is supposed to be proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, by the prosecuting side. Many of them which have that mind set, find someone whom they wish to be their informant, set them up to make it look like they committed a crime, and thereby trick them into going about proving themselves innocent. Once they do, the attempt is made to convince, or rather con, them into continuing in informant work. 

     73. Investigators are taught to judge whether someone is guilty by certain mannerisms, such as: the subject not looking them in the eye when they are talking to them; the subject rubbing their eyes when making a statement; the subject appearing ill at ease when around officers; the subject’s eyes darting all around when in public; the subject dressing a certain way, and many such things. Those things are to be used simply as indicators, not convictors. Some possible explanations for those things are, respectively: some people may end up in a confrontation when looking certain people in the eye, and so they avoid it; the subject could be tired, or they could be innocent and rub their eyes out of frustration; the subject may simply not trust cops, or they may know of that particular cop’s reputation; the subject could be a combat veteran or may have been in a rough neighborhood and involved in a traumatic situation.
     A good, decent, experienced cop will take these things into consideration, but a good many do not. And there are a lot of people in jail or prison due to circumstantial evidence, simply because the situation made it look like the subject was guilty and the cops wanted to nail someone for case closure.

     74. There are informants, and cops, whom will try to charge someone whom reported a crime, or crimes, especially against themselves, for investigating the report. That is illegal and unethical. Some of them will, if the person refuses to pay them, try to take property or money from that person.

     75. If a criminal is scoping out a place to rob or burglarize, often they will have an accomplice drive or walk around the area a time or two, purposely acting suspicious, not only to scan for likely targets, but primarily to determine whether or not anyone in the neighborhood will alert the police of persons around of a suspicious nature, testing the watchfulness and defenses of an area. Later on, if the coast is clear, the real scanners will go thru and look for targets to rob.

     76. Sooner or later, most informants are usually required to take an oath of secrecy, which to the naïve, means that they are not allowed to tell anybody anything about their own, or other people in the network’s, activities. Most people do not realize, that they are not bound by any oath to cover up, ignore or omit to report crime. Some are purposely led into questionable activities at first, a little at a time, then later on, outright illegal activities, sometimes unknowingly, which gives the handlers more leverage to keep them silent. I have made many serious reports, only to find that every Tom, Dick and Harry even remotely involved in reporting crime or mischief, was let in on reports which were supposed to remain confidential, including whom had reported it to begin with. And as always, the people whom were involved in both the informant or investigating network and the crime ring, found out and it just blew the whole case.
     77. Other types of indicators which are used as convictors by unscrupulous people are normal household items. A few years ago, I was being watched constantly, due to having a wide variety of certain chemicals in the garage and home, such as spray paint, solvents, cleaners and drain decloggers. I was always working on restoring a vehicle, and was also having some problems with a drain clogging for awhile. The cops knew full well that I wasn’t into drug making or anything, but they used it as an excuse to harass me. Other times they will use someone as a traing tool with which to break in new informants or investigators. More often than not, if you name someone as a drug user or dealer, and you are not already one of their regular informants, the cops already know about it. That’s how complete their informant network really is. The reason that more of them are not arrested is because the cops maintain them as indicators of other, bigger drug dealers and users. Another reason is because in order to qualify as a dealer, the culprit has to make a certain number of sales within a certain amount of time, which the dealers know about.

     78. A scam which has been going on for who knows how long, is orchestrated by both informants and cops. What they do is, to do questionable activities within your view, sometimes with the intent of recruiting you as an informant. But if you do not report it, they will try to get you arrested for not reporting a crime. The catchall is, if they knew about it, why did they not do something about it?

     79. Some years ago, the FBI was going around impersonating the one of the mafia groups, using disguise techniques in order to look like certain members, and tried to charge the real ones with crimes that they did not commit.
     Around the same time, they also tried to charge some members of a certain constitutional group, with crimes that a different constitutional group had committed, because the actual culprits were too slick for the FBI to catch.
     Also around the same time, and again since the real culprits couldn’t be caught, the FBI wanted to charge some Native Americans of a certain tribe with the crimes. However, some higher up authorities just happened to find out about it, and brought that scheme to an abrupt halt. When one of the FBI agents whom had been involved in the scheme casually questioned me about why they had been caught, I just smiled and said, “Well I’ll be”.
     Incidentally, investigators are known to falsely charge a subject with one crime, maybe after framing them, in order to gain a confession for some other crime that they may well have committed.

     80. Corrupt cops, agents, officers and informants are known to purposely endanger whistle blowers and others whom oppose them, and then refer them to the U.S. Marshall’s Service, in order to get rid of them in that manner, rather than killing them. They really hate it when someone infiltrates their network and then blows the whistle once enough information is gathered.
     Sometimes, after recklessly endangering the victim, they will turn on a group of people whom harass, threaten, intimidate and antagonize the victim, some of whom finally give up out of frustration and allow themselves to be “done away with”. Sometimes a criminal group will do the same thing.
     One entity which does the change of identity program has people whom do things to people in order to alter that person’s personality, habits, interests, hobbies, mannerisms, even their outward appearance. I was around some of them at times, some years ago, when the devils were trying to do that to me. If they can’t wear you down and you outright or even violently refuse, they cannot succeed. You do have to watch them, though, as they will resort to strong arm tactics and snatching people. I’m no stranger to a fight, have pulled a knife on a couple of them, and have also been known to do things such as, if I seen them in a public place, shout at them something like, “How’s the investigation going?”, or, “Who’d you snatch today?”. Every now and then you can find out one of their names, though they are usually shrouded in total secrecy. See one of those people in public and shout out their name as you’re pointing at them and it really rattles them. Especially if you use it in conjunction with words like stalker, rapist or molester. The downside to that is, often it causes them to try to covertly kill you later on.
     There are at least three federal agencies which have change of identity and protection programs, probably a couple more, but the criminal element has that capability also. That fact can be realized on some of the television shows which specialize in those types of subjects.

     81. There are organizations which are either connected with or using the name or a partial name of law enforcement agencies, whom abuse the privilege, and harass and even intimidate people in order to obtain contributions or for other reasons. As an example, back in 1997, the Indiana State Police Alliance, whom had permission to use that name, and which organization accepted funds from charitable folk for things such as helping provide for the families of state police troopers killed in the line of duty, had that permission revoked. The reason it was revoked was due to some unscrupulous people in that organization, involved in some unscrupulous acts, including threatening people. I don’t know if the permission was ever granted again or not.

     82. Never take it for granted that just because a person is poor, that they’re bad, lazy or have done something wrong. Or that a person whom is well off, well kept, well mannered and organized, is honest, earnest and good. Often the exact opposites are so.

     83. It is a common practice for the CIA to maintain church members as informants, casual informants much of the time. Investigators at all levels of law enforcement actually do, and the practice is often abused and the information misused. When it is, it tears down the church if there are weak spots in it.

     84. There are many positions within various careers, throughout all of society, both government and civilian, into which selected people are placed by both government personnel, and by certain of the criminal element such as the mafia, for investigative and other informational purposes, though others may be more deserving or worthy of the position.
     At times that is a necessary procedure. But I have seen whole groups of people placed in places of employ, whom ended up doing absolutely nothing about the crime that was taking place.

     85. There are “trusted” people in communities whom are given details of certain reports submitted to law enforcement, whom are not active informants, but rather are conveyors of information, watch dogs, and sort of an umpire or referee. One of the biggest problems with that practice is, if the officer from whom the details are obtained is dishonest, innocent people can be harmed in one way or another. This is especially true when corrupt cops or informants are the main focus of a police report by a civilian. When it comes to that, most cops are, at the very least, very reluctant to take action against the perpetrators. And when times are tight, a lot of under the table money flows to many peoples pools. Many, if not all, of the various police and investigative agencies and departments are granted X amount of dollars for various expenses incurred during investigations, such as money for drug buys, money to informants, and other miscellaneous expenses, but an itemized list of where the money goes is not required.

     86. There are those people found in probably most churches, whom twist Bible verses in order to try and justify doing crooked or bad things to people, generally out of selfishness and greed.

     87. Many cops and other government personnel think that they have, or should have, a monopoly on certain things, such as the right to carry a weapon, self defense tactics, guard dogs, investigative procedures and the like, and seek to control the sources and recipients of those kinds of things. Their argument is that those kinds of things should only be in the hands of certain people, which was one of Adolph Hitler’s doctrines.
     I have talked to a fair number of good, fair, honest cops, and they will tell you that an unarmed populace of decent people would probably be the demise of themselves and democracy.

     88. When President Clinton promised to put 200,000 more cops on the streets (I believe that was the number), I don’t think that the number of actual officers was increased that much. If you divide 200,000 cops by 50 states, you get 4,000 per state, which would vary from state to state, depending upon various factors such as size of big cities and crime rates.
     But no matter what the actual increase was, I do know one way in which the government could say that the number of cops on the streets was increased by that amount. What has went on is, firemen were cross trained in police tactics and police are being cross trained in firemen’s procedures. I do not know what the requirements are for one to be considered a police officer, but I do know that increasingly more and more, the firemen, including the volunteer firemen, are becoming tight lipped about where a fire was, if anyone was hurt, and so on. It is all under a guise of right to privacy, and so much so, that except for word of mouth, you would never know when someone had to go to the hospital or suffered some such thing. But on the lighter side of that matter, I verified what I was told by an investigator: in Mexico, they communicate so much by word of mouth, that finding someone there is much quicker and easier than finding someone in the United States, with all of our modern technology.
     Anyway, what has been done, at least in essence, is that the government has created a secret police force. Yet the crime rate continues to climb. The violent crime may be down, but the white collar crime is still soaring.

     89. Corrupt church leaders are known to use government to curb, quench or destroy those whom disagree openly (or privately in some cases) with certain doctrines of certain denominations or actions of certain members. It is nothing new, actually. It is written in history that certain of the Jews did just that in order to destroy Jesus. Whether or not one believes in Him as the Messiah is a matter of personal belief, but He is definitely a historic figure. As recently as 500 years ago, the Roman Catholic Church was wrapped up tight with the government of the time, and actually ran the government at times, and did have a great many good people put to death. They were usually given a chance to recant their heartfelt beliefs, and if they did not, they were murdered.

     90. Law enforcement has a tendency to refrain from openly (if at all) arresting those whom have a name, and especially so with church members in good standing or public officials of any good standing. Their thought is, that it would cast a bad shadow on whatever organization it is, whereas the opposite is actually true. Not arresting someone whom has committed at least a fairly serious crime casts a bad shadow, because there are usually at least a few other people that know about the crime. And it often puts a civilian organization under the thumb of government, because the person is more often than not, made to be an informant, which causes the government to try and control the whole organization.

     91. Just as city, county and state officials and officers have jurisdictional boundaries, so do the federal agencies. The FBI and US Marshalls can go anywhere in the world when they need to, but under normal circumstances they too, have general, jurisdictional boundaries. City, county and state offices are supposed to use whatever federal agency covers their area.

     92. There is a very close correlation between the history of the old Roman Empire and the way the United States of America is going.

     93. There are cops and other officers or officials whom are tied in with constitution based groups, some good, some bad.

     94. One way to tell if a person is an informant is when they pull the good guy/bad guy routine. It’s when they’re nice one time that you see them, and cold, indifferent or crabby the next time that you see them. At the same time, that is also just how some people are.

     95. The FBI, and I believe the US Marshalls as well as a few other agencies, retain people on a shelf until really needed, from a wide variety of occupations and specialties, sometimes along the lines of other law enforcement personnel. They are not always agents, though. Some of them are people with a certain expertise.

     96. A particularly devious scam which informants, and cops, like to do, as part of a psychological warfare scheme designed to break people down, which is actually brainwashing, is to do intimidating, harassing and annoying stunts to someone, purposely getting them mad, things which, 20 years ago would be justification to clean someone’s clock, and the cops would just tell that person something like, “well, you shouldn’t have been picking on that guy, you big bully”. But these days, that scheme has a possibility of ending up in one of two different ways, if things go according to their plans. One, you do what needs to be done and end up with an assault charge or, two, you figure out that they’re trying to cause you to be arrested and refrain, and when you do, especially after several times, they start spreading around that you are a coward and won’t even stand up for yourself. Now here’s the catch 22; firstly, the people that do those things are taught how to get under someone’s skin without making it look like that’s what they’re doing. They don’t actually put their hands on you or threaten you. It’s a very covert little plot, very cowardly and every bit a bullying procedure. It is an attempt to control somebody, and sometimes it is taken so far as to make someone so fearful that they won’t even fight back if someone does assault them. It is an individual example of what totalitarian regimes do to the masses.

     97. Sometimes, if a federal agency is overloaded with a caseload, they will “subcontract” certain cases or reports to private investigators or county or state investigators, sometimes even to trusted informants.

     98. Many informants and under covers use a type of code word, or cryptographic, language which includes innuendo phrases, body language, keywords, and the like, to communicate. It is similar to how combat soldiers communicate when on patrol in an area in which the enemy is nearby and even a whisper might be heard by them. That is mostly hand signal, but a combat team which has worked together for a significant amount of time can tell by the other soldiers expressions and other body language, what the other team members are about to do. Put those two features together with certain key words or phrases and that is basically how that “language” system works.
     That system can actually be very effective, although it’s not that hard to figure out if you’re around the people whom are within a network. But it can be greatly abused and misused, for two main reasons: one, anyone within the network whom is not following the main game plan can mislead everyone else by using the wrong keywords. For example, say that the word blue car means for everyone to meet at Jon’s house at such and such a time. If someone in the chain of relayed messages tells the people that he talks to red car, then they will go to the wrong house; two, it is easy for someone to be led to a particular spot or area, and be eliminated, and there is no proof left that anyone told anybody anything.
     In other words, messages are conveyed without the actual words being used, and an entire conversation can be carried on in the presence of even a cop, the hidden message conveyed, and nobody is the wiser. The system is really very clever, but nonetheless is full of flaws. There are other telltale signs of that system being used also, but is beyond the scope of this article. 

     99. There are many stings made for underage solicitation(minus any money involvement), by prepping an underage female (or male) to look much older than what she (or he) really is.

     100. If you are investigating (undercover) a potentially high profile or dastardly subject, it is wise to never consume food or beverages offered by them if there is the slightest hint of your cover being compromised. This is the age of multitudes of scientific advancements, which field includes chemicals. There are tens of thousands of chemicals in use in the United States, many of which cause cancer, liver problems, scores of ailments. Scientists give mice and other animals cancer and other diseases all of the time, in order to find a cure. But it doesn’t take a scientist to procure a dangerous chemical and lace someone’s drink or food with it.

     101. Just as there is a public announcement whenever a new police officer joins a force, it is much the same way when a new informant joins the network. Since informants are much like an undercover cop, the announcement is not made via the newspapers, but whole networks of informants are notified, or at least select individuals within a network, partly so that the new guy can learn the ropes and gain contacts. If helping out under a good investigator, you can specify that you want to be as covert as possible, and either let no one else know that you are informing or investigating, or just a couple or so very trusted contacts.
     I have been initiated into more than one network, both extremely covertly, and rather openly. On one occasion, the FBI suspected a large amount of corruption within an informant network and the police handlers, and so I was the fall guy. I was initiated in as being the one whom was checking for corruption, and of course, I was given one line of bull right after another, and finally asked to leave the network entirely, as well as shunned. Well, there was another guy whom was ushered into the network a little bit later than I was, with a very good cover, and the distraction with me worked quite well to direct everyone’s attention away from the guy whom the feds wanted to work that one.
     That was in another state, and I learned later, that they got the corruption rooted out.

     102. If you are an informant, operative, intelligence officer, other investigator or have reported any serious crime and are out walking, be aware when a strange vehicle is coming towards you when in an out of the way spot, especially if there is any chance that you have been compromised. Though it's wise to walk facing traffic, in that situation you should cross to the other side of the street until the car passes. Why? Because if there is a possibility of a drive by shooting, it will be harder for the driver to hit you, or will limit the usable firing area of a passenger.



INVESTIGATION & SECURITY TIPS is compiled by Todd Slee, and is comprised of various ways to detect frauds and scams and to do a more thorough job of investigating. Keep in mind that there is little difference between an accredited undercover investigator and a good informant. The methods are all the same if done correctly.
     This text is also the kind of information which can prove helpful from strictly an observational perch. One does not need to be involved in investigating or informing in order to benefit from the information contained herein.

Copyright 2013. Slee Canine Training & Security. All rights reserved.






Some of this is information which seems almost common sense, but it is the simple things which are often overlooked. Other things are those pieces of info and knowledge which is gained only thru both keen observation and experience. Everything will be numbered, but not grouped in any particular order.